About InContext Translation

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Revision as of 19:48, 26 April 2019 by Olibouban (talk | contribs) (System Overview)
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Translators use InContext Translation, a Lingoport product which passes the context of a Web application along with the resource to be translated. Translation Management Systems (TMSs) can then show the context within the translation workbench, either via a note, a comment, a clickable link, or a view from within their computer aided translation (CAT) tools.


In this example, the string to be translated is "Patient". The translator can see where this string is being used in the application since it is highlighted and can make the appropriate translation.


  • The Lingoport InContext Translation product allows for a better-quality translation earlier with possibly reduced need for downstream Linguistic QA. Lingoport is not a translation company or a TMS (Translation Management System) vendor. The aim of InContext Translation is to provide the TMS with the ability to associate segments with context during the translation process.


  • The translation team uses the TMS, tools, products, and processes of their choice.
  • Agile: short translation bursts come from different projects and applications: Context really helps translation.
  • The translation context can be invoked by a simple URL .
  • No software developer involvement.
  • Non-intrusive

System Overview

Lingoport incontext translation.png

For an on-boarded repository, the happy path looks like:

  • The repositories contain base resource files created by developers and files translated by the LSP (localization service provider).
  • LRM analyzes the resource files and instruments both base and target files.
  • LRM pushes the instrumented files to the repository
  • An instrumented build gets deployed
  • With each navigation to a new page on the instrumented deployment, the InContext Capture Chrome extension saves the context back to the Lingoport VM. LRM then sends the association between the context and each of the base resources to the TMS.
  • When files are sent to translation, each segment may have a context and a URL, a decoration, pointing back to a Lingoport InContext Server that stores the context.