Custom Tasks

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Custom Tasks

The config_custom_tasks.xml configuration file contains the specific stages where a plugin can be called. Dynamic information is available to the plugin through the LRM Context object (com.lingoport.lrm.customtask.LRMContext). The lrm-customtasktest.jar, located in the samples/CustomTask/ folder of your install directory, contains methods for testing out these different stages.


The config_custom_tasks.xml has elements for each stage of the LRM process that allows for custom tasks. The stages are:

			    <!-- Tasks that will run BEFORE files are uploaded to the specified L10n Vendor -->
			     <!-- Tasks that will run AFTER files have been successfully uploaded to the specified L10n Vendor -->
			    <!-- Tasks that will run BEFORE the Notify Changes email is sent -->					   
			    <!-- Tasks that will run BEFORE the Late Prep Kit email is sent -->
                            <!-- Tasks that will run BEFORE files for a specific locale are imported -->
			     <!-- Tasks that will run AFTER files for a specific locale have been imported successfully -->

Syntax of Task element

The task element has the following attributes:

  • url - the location of the jar file that contains the custom task
  • class - the class library that is to be used
  • method - the method that is to be called. This method has either no arguments or the com.lingoport.lrm.customtask.LRMContext argument.
  • onerrorresumenext - if false then the process continues if there is an error that is thrown. If true then the process will stop with an error.

Example using the lrm-customtasktest.jar located in the install directory under samples/CustomTask

<task url="file:/C:/Lingoport/LRM-Server-3.0/samples/CustomTask/lrm-customtasktest.jar"

LRM Context Argument

The com.lingoport.lrm.customtask.LRMContext argument is a map containing dynamic information for a particular stage. You can view the information that is contained in the LRMContext object for each of the custom task stages by adding the following task to each stage (changing the location of your LRM home if needed). The following is an example of adding a task to the <before-notify-changes> stage:

   <task url="file:/var/lib/jenkins/lingoport/lrm-server-3.0/samples/CustomTask/lrm-customtasktest.jar"

The log file will contain the LRMContext information.

Sample Custom Tasks

The lrm-customtest.jar located in the install directory's sample/CustomTask folder contains 3 methods that can used for testing.

  • testNoArgs - this method has no arguments.
  • testLRMContextArg - this method has the com.lingoport.lrm.customtask.LRMContext argument and will list out all the information in the LRMContext object.
  • testThrowError - this method will throw an error. Depending on the value of attribute 'onerrorresumenext' the process will either stop or continue.

Setting up AtTask (WorkFront)

The creation of AtTask projects require the setup of both the (See Global Configuration Files) and the config_custom_tasks.xml configuration files.