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== On-boarding a Distributed Pull Request Jenkins Job==
== On-boarding a Distributed Pull Request Jenkins Job==
To on-board a new Distribute Pull Request job, copy the <code>Lingoport.SampleLite-PullRequest</code> and modify the Build Parameters:
To on-board a new Distributed Pull Request job, <b>on Master</b> copy the <code>Lingoport.SampleLite-PullRequest</code> and modify the Build Parameters:
Then add a Pull Request Web Hook on the Git Repository
Then add a Pull Request Web Hook on the Git Repository, for example:
The job name is the Master's job name for your project (not Lingoport.SampleLite-GitHubPullRequest)
Test the system by creating a fake pull request, for instance with an Embedded String commit.
Test the system by creating a fake pull request, for instance with an Embedded String commit.

Revision as of 18:24, 29 December 2016

Notes on the Jenkins Deployment for Scalability around Pull Requests from GitHub.

Close to: http://devopscube.com/setup-slaves-on-jenkins-2/

  1. on master:

Generate an id_rsa key, for example:

 ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "The access key for Jenkins slaves" 

make sure the chmod's are right

Credentials for Jenkins based on SSH username with Private Key: jenkins dashboard –> credentials –> Global credentials –> add credentials

Choose from file with the default id_rsa / id_rsa.pub

copy the public key

Important: This is all based on the key under /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/ being with the following owner and access permissions:

  -rw-------.  1 jenkins jenkins 1675 Dec 21 21:20 id_rsa
  -rw-r--r--.  1 jenkins jenkins  419 Dec 21 21:20 id_rsa.pub

(see credentials below based on file)

  1. on slave

Jenkins User

The 'jenkins' user must be created with the same home directory as the master 'jenkins' user, i.e. <code/var/lib/jenkins.

Node Installer

Make sure the following are installed with the correct version of Java for the given release:

  • Java
  • git
  • Globalyzer Lite under ~jenkins/lingoport/globalyzer-lite-x.y
  • .globalyzerrc
  • sonar-scanner under jenkins/lingoport/sonar-scanner-x.y/
    • the configuration file must point back to the Dashboard Server!
  • jq (see for example https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-install-jq-centos-7-artur-todeschini)
    • yum install epel-release
    • yum install jq
  • The remote scripts, distributed_lite_pr.sh ...)
  • A template pullrequest-sonar-project.properties under /var/lib/jenkins/lingoport/templates
    • A number of items need to be set in the templates itself, including GitHub's username/OAuth Token, Dashboard Username / Password for all the project to be handled.

The directory structure should look like after install on the slave node:

 [jenkins@ip-172-31-45-177 jenkins]$ pwd
 [jenkins@ip-172-31-45-177 jenkins]$ ls -l
 total 4
 drwxrwxr-x. 3 jenkins jenkins   93 Dec 22 23:53 installers
 drwxrwxr-x. 4 jenkins jenkins   61 Dec 29 10:02 jenkins_slave
 drwxrwxr-x. 6 jenkins jenkins   82 Dec 27 23:29 lingoport

 [jenkins@ip-172-31-45-177 lingoport]$ pwd
 [jenkins@ip-172-31-45-177 lingoport]$ ls -l
 total 4
 drwxrwxr-x. 2 jenkins jenkins   35 Dec 28 00:07 bin
 drwxr-xr-x. 5 jenkins jenkins 4096 Dec 22 21:24 globalyzer-lite-5.2
 drwxr-xr-x. 5 jenkins jenkins   37 Sep 20 09:57 sonar-scanner-2.8
 drwxrwxr-x. 2 jenkins jenkins   49 Dec 28 00:19 templates

copy the public key (id_rsa.pub) into


make sure the chmod is 600, as in:

-rw-------. 1 jenkins jenkins  831 Dec 21 23:05 authorized_keys

Note: Make sure in the copy you have one line for the copy. Sometimes, copying may break the key into multiple lines.

  1. In AWS console / the master and slave nodes:
 Open the 22 ports to and from the two systems to allow jobs to run from Master to Slaves/Agents/Nodes
 Make sure the Outgoing ports and the Incoming ports for the Master and Slaves are allowed for 9000/other to allow Dashboard upload.
  1. On Slave:
  1. On Master:

On your master machine go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Nodes.

When click OK. The Node should go on-line. The top of the log should look like:

 [12/22/16 15:47:13] [SSH] Opening SSH connection to
 [12/22/16 15:47:13] [SSH] Authentication successful.
 [12/22/16 15:47:13] [SSH] The remote users environment is:

On-boarding a Distributed Pull Request Jenkins Job

To on-board a new Distributed Pull Request job, on Master copy the Lingoport.SampleLite-PullRequest and modify the Build Parameters:


Then add a Pull Request Web Hook on the Git Repository, for example:


The job name is the Master's job name for your project (not Lingoport.SampleLite-GitHubPullRequest)

Test the system by creating a fake pull request, for instance with an Embedded String commit.