GitHub Pull Requests

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Revision as of 17:02, 28 March 2016 by Olibouban (talk | contribs) (Running the Analysis)
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GitHub is a Web-based Git repository hosting service. It offers all of the distributed revision control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git as well as adding its own features.

Git Pull Requests

Files can be committed in a Git branch or directly in Master. When committing files in a branch, pull requests let you know what changes you've pushed to a repository on GitHub. Once a pull request is sent, interested parties can review the set of changes, discuss potential modifications, and even push follow-up commits if necessary.

Dashboard and Pull Requests

Globalyzer Dashboard is based on SonarQube and leverages that platform's feature. Starting with Lingoport Dashboard 5.1.2, the GitHub Plugin is available. It allows to show Dashboard issues within GitHub as comments of the pull request. Globalyzer and LRM issues can then be detected and shown on the code changes before the pull request is merged with the main (master) branch.

Example of a Pull Request Analyzed with Globalyzer


This is pull request #6. The change to the code in the pull request was to add an embedded string to the file, namely String anotherunused = "In the bed string";.

Globalyzer analysis flagged this line as a active Embedded String.

Before merging the code back to master, the developer would typically externalize the string and re-submit the changed code and resource file.

Pull Request Analysis Configuration

Globalyzer Dashboard uses SonarQube For the i18n analysis of the pull request, the needs the following properties:

  • sonar.analysis.mode=preview
    • It is imperative this attribute is set to preview to work. If not set, it defaults to publish mode, and could create future issues for analysis on this pull request.
  • sonar.github.login=
    • Your GitHub login name
  • sonar.github.oauth=
  • sonar.github.repository=
  • sonar.github.pullRequest=
    • The number of the pull request you plan to run an i18n analysis on.

For instance, here is a test with some properties modified for security reasons:



# For the GitHub SonarQube Plugin

Running the Analysis

  • Checkout code from a branch (not master) or create a new branch
    • git checkout <-b> workingBranchName (use the -b flag to create a new branch)
  • Modify the code in your working branch
  • Add, commit & push the code to the branch (not master)
    • git add .
    • git commit -am "Commit Message"
    • git push origin workingBranchName
  • Create a pull request
  • Run a couple of commands:
    • java -jar "c:\lingoport\globalyzer-lite-4.8.5\globalyzer-lite.jar" GzProjectDefinition.xml
    • C:\sonar\sonar-runner-2.4-local\bin\sonar-runner
  • Check the pull request comments on GitHub: The i18n issues found on the code in the pull request will be shown.

Note: The command java -jar "c:\lingoport\globalyzer-lite-4.8.5\globalyzer-lite.jar" GzProjectDefinition.xml is used to create a Globalyzer report under the directory GlobalyzerScans. It could be any commands to create that Globalyzer report. The sonar-runner then needs to be executed from above the GlobalyzerScans directory.