Globalyzer Installation and Configuration

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Globalyzer consists of a Globalyzer Server and a Globalyzer Client.

The Server manages user accounts and rule sets created within those accounts. The Client creates projects and scans, accessing the rule sets on the Server to execute the scans looking for internationalization issues.

Lingoport provides a Globalyzer Server at (hosted); alternatively, companies can purchase and install their own server (enterprise) to run on their site. To access a server, you must already have an account created; simply browse to the server URL (either our hosted server or your enterprise server) and log in with your account credentials.

The Globalyzer Client comes in several flavors and can be downloaded from the Globalyzer Server. Login to the Server, scroll to the bottom of your home page, and click on the download the Globalyzer Client here link.

The Globalyzer Workbench

The Globalyzer Command Line Interface

Globalyzer Lite

The Globalyzer Maven Plugin

Globalyzer API