Globalyzer Workbench for i18n Specialists

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Revision as of 20:35, 29 December 2016 by Rdaly (talk | contribs) (Installation Components)
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The Globalyzer Workbench is power application for i18n specialists. It allows users to create Globalyzer projects, test out rule sets and tune them, scan the code, go from the resulting candidate issue to the line in the source which may be modified, externalize strings en masse, and more.

Target User

The typical Globalyzer Workbench user is knowledgeable in internationalization, understands the power of the Lingoport Suite, and can create and tune rule sets for members of the development staff.

Typical Deployment

The Globalyzer Workbench resides on a local desktop. The user can access the Globalyzer Server to use, create and modify rule sets.

Workbench for I18n Specialists.gif

Typical Workflow

The i18n specialist uses the Globalyzer Workbench to:

When the rule sets are deemed acceptable, the Workbench user may save the Globalyzer project configuration by exporting it to a file, project.gproj. They may then push the project.gproj to the repository for use by other Workbench users and/or a continuous globalization system.

Installation Components

  • The Globalyzer Server is hosted by Lingoport. If the server is on site, the customer will have provide a Linux system.
  • The Developer Machine is used by an internationalization specialist who will use the Globalyzer clients (probably Workbench or Globalyzer Lite) to analyze code.
  • Although not shown in the picture, the Dashboard Server could be installed on a Linux system to illustrate progress with issues.

Installation Notes

To install the Workbench, login to the Globalyzer Server, download the Globalyzer Client installer for the platform you are running on, and run the installer.