Localyzer Jenkins Configure System

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Revision as of 16:42, 8 May 2019 by Olibouban (talk | contribs) (Rebasing)
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This section assumes that the Jenkins home directory is /home/jenkins. On some systems, the Jenkins home directory is set to /var/lib/jenkins instead. Verify your home directory to follow the instructions below. For generality, <HOME> will be used in place of the actual directory.

Environment Variables

To set the environment variables, select Jenkins and Manage Jenkins on the left. From there, select Configure System. On the configuration page, scroll down to the Global properties section and select Environmental variables.

The following are the name value pairs to add:

  • LRM_HOME (e.g.: <HOME>/lingoport/lrm-server-x.x)
  • DASHBOARD_HOME (e.g.: <HOME>/lingoport/dashboard-client-x.x)

If you are using TFS, add the TFS command line executable location to the PATH:

  • $PATH (e.g.: PATH:/home/jenkins/team_foundation_server/TEE-CLC-12.0.2/ )


If you are using Git, rebasing is used to keep the branch of an LRM project with a specified branch, such as master. To do so, an LRM config_vcs.properties file must have the following property:

  • If the LRM plugin is used, the config_vcs.properties gets overwritten. Add at the same location a file called config_vcs.properties_rebase with the above line in it, it will be appended to the config_vcs.properties files
  • If using a special script, the config_vcs.properties may persist from one invocation to another. In that case, simply add the VCS_GIT_REBASE_BRANCH=master line at the end of the file.

Note: Deprecated/Removed starting with Denmark

If you are using Git, rebasing is used to keep the branches up to date with master. However, if rebasing should not be used, you can set VCS_GIT_REBASE to FALSE:

  • VCS_GIT_REBASE (The default is to rebase. If that is not the desired behavior, set VCS_GIT_REBASE to FALSE )

Configure Global Security

The minimal configuration would be to setup the configuration with:

  • Jenkins' own user database and
  • a matrix based security,

with the following privileges:

  • anonymous have a set of very few privileges, if any.
  • 'authenticated' the ability to run builds, and
  • a few administration accounts with all privileges

Note: If you want to continue the configuration using scripts, you need to allow the Job/Read permission on anonymous users.

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LRM Jenkins Plugins