Difference between revisions of "LRM html Support"

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(Example .html or .htm File or a file extension that uses the html parser type)
(Examples of .html or .htm Files or a file extension that uses the html parser type)
Line 10: Line 10:
<p>This is a html text fragment</p>
<p>This is a html text fragment</p>

Revision as of 17:03, 18 November 2019

Examples of .html or .htm Files or a file extension that uses the html parser type

  <p>This is some text in an html file</p>

  <p>This is a html text fragment</p>

html parser type

valid html syntax

Files that use the html parser are expected to have valid html syntax

htm/html uses the html parser type

When defining a project containing LRM Standard .html or .html resource files, there is no need to define a <parser-type> as the html parser will always be used.

unique file extension needs to define html parser type

If a unique file extension is a valid html file, then the <parser-type> should be html in the project definition file.

LRM interaction with html parser type files

Number of keys in file is 1

All files that are parsed using the html parser have only 1 key called key1. The value that corresponds to this key is the entire html type file.

Prep kit files are always full file

If the checksum of the base file has changed then the file will be sent out in the next prep kit for all target locales. Since the file contains only 1 key, the entire file will be sent out for translation.

Example of Project Definition for Resources

The following is an example of html resource file definitions. See resource extensions for more information.

     <!-- parser-type not needed since .html is a standard LRM extension that maps to the html parser type -->
     <!-- parser-type not needed since .htm is a standard LRM extension that maps to the html parser type -->
     <!-- parser-type is required because .myext is not a standard LRM extension -->