Difference between revisions of "LRM rc Support"

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(Example .rc file)
(Example Project Definition File)
Line 92: Line 92:
<!--Group name must match the group name option -->
<project-desc>This is a sample LRM Project definition file, configured to support RC properties files</project-desc>
<project-desc>This is a sample LRM Project definition file, configured to support RC properties files</project-desc>
<!-- Example, linux -->
<!-- Example, windows -->
<!-- if set to '0' (false), then the 'missed translation' error will not be triggered
if the non-base file has the same text as the base file.
Missed Translation error will still occur if the base file has a different key or if
the base file has changed since it was last prepped. -->
<!--If you wish to create Track Back resource files, enter the Track Back locale such as `br`-->
<!--The track back locale is mutually exclusive of the base (default) locale, target locales and pseudo-locale-->
<!--If you wish to pseudo-localized your files enter a pseudo-locale-->
<!--The pseudo-locale is mutually exclusive of the base (default) locale and target locales-->
<!--Target locales are the locales where the corresponding resource files will be translated. -->
<!--These target locales are mutually exclusive of the default locale-->
<target-locales> <!-- set which locales are targeted for translation. -->
<locale>fr_FR</locale> <!-- French for France -->
<locale>fr_CA</locale> <!-- French Canadian -->
<!--Default locale is the base locale. This is the locale where corresponding resource files will not be translated.-->
<!--The default locale is mutually exclusive of the target locales-->
<default-locale>en_US</default-locale> <!-- delineates which locale to translate from -->
<!-- although only 1 resource extension is present in this file,
kits support multiple resource extensions. This necessitates both a
"<resource-extensions>" and "<resource-extension>" tag -->
<!--The file-name-pattern and/or file-location-pattern indicate the pattern of the-->
<!--localized file names (file-name-pattern) and the localized folder names (file-location-pattern).-->
<!--If the names contain the locale then a pattern of 1,c and v will be used.-->
<!--If the names contain the Locale ID then LCID will be used.-->
<!--Example pattern using locale-->
<!-- If your localized resource files use their locale in their names then the locale pattern will-->
<!-- be used where l stands for language; c for country; v for variant; and the characters between-->
<!-- are used as the separator characters.-->
<!-- <file-name-pattern>*_l_c_v</file-name-pattern>-->
<!--Example pattern using LCID (locale ID)-->
<!-- If your resource files are under a folder named 'resources' with an LCID suffix separated by an-->
<!-- underscore, then the pattern would be:-->
<!-- <file-location-pattern>resources_LCID</file-location-pattern>-->
'''&lt;!-- parser-type not needed since .rc is a standard LRM extension that maps to the rc parser type --&gt;'''
<!--If the base resource files use the file-name-pattern in their name -->
<!--then set use-pattern-on-dflt-locale to 1, if not then set to 0-->
<!--If the base resource files use the file-location-pattern in their name -->
<!--then set use-location-pattern-on-dflt-locale to 1, if not then set to 0-->
'''&lt;!-- parser-type is required because .myext is not a standard LRM extension --&gt;'''
<!--Default pattern for rc is '![CDATA[%\d+]]'-->
<!--Define the search patterns to include and/or exclude. (Uses Apache Ant pattern search).-->
<!--Examples: -->
<!-- A. '**/*.properties' matches all .properties files/dirs in a directory tree.-->
<!-- B. 'test/a??.resx' matches all files/dirs which start with an 'a', -->
<!-- then two more characters and then '.resx', in a directory called test.-->
<!-- C. '**' matches everything in a directory tree. -->
<!-- '**/source/**/XYZ*' matches all files/dirs which start with 'XYZ'-->
<!-- and where there is a parent directory called source (e.g. 'abc/source/def/ghi/XYZ123'). -->
<!--Directories to include in the search for base resource files -->
<!--Directories to include in the search for base resource files -->

Revision as of 21:11, 31 August 2017

Example .rc file or a file extension that uses the rc parser type

// Microsoft Visual C++ generated resource script.
#include "Smoke.h"

// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource.
#include "afxres.h"


#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU)
#pragma code_page(1252)



    "#include ""afxres.h""\r\n"



#endif    // English (U.S.) resources

// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource.

#endif    // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED

// Default Locale Resources

    FILT_TRUE_5    "true"

// SOURCE_FILE C:/Path/to/my/source/file/FilterPatternOrderTests.js
    FILT_TRUE_4    "true"
    FILT_DDMMYYY_6    "dd/MM/yyyy"

// SOURCE_FILE C:/Path/to/my/source/file/example-source-javascript/strings.js
    STRI_ANDTHIS_1    "&and this "
    STRI_ISHOULD_2    "I should be detected because not in ignore next line comment"
    STRI_ISHOULD_3    "I should be detected because outside ignore start/end block"

Example Project Definition File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project-desc>This is a sample LRM Project definition file, configured to support RC properties files</project-desc>
     <!-- parser-type not needed since .rc is a standard LRM extension that maps to the rc parser type -->    
     <!-- parser-type is required because .myext is not a standard LRM extension -->    