Terms and Definitions

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See Lingoport Dashboard
(G11n) Refers to a broad range of engineering and business development processes necessary to prepare and launch products and company activities globally.
Lingoport's product to find and fix internationalization (i18n) issues that inhibit localization and global user experience during development.
(I18n) The process of designing a software application so that it can potentially be adapted to various languages and regions without engineering changes.
Lingoport Resource Manager
(LRM) Lingoport's product to detect & manage changes to resource files in your source code. It also streamlines translation jobs and can automate localization updates between development and translation.
Lingoport Dashboard
The hub of the Lingoport Suite. See it all, drill down, create notifications and manage the process. Bridge gaps between localization & development. Increase visibility and track globalization metrics.
Lingoport Suite 
Lingoport Suite Installer 
The automated install application to install the Lingoport Suite.
(L10n) The process of adapting internationalized software for a specific region or language by adding locale-specific components and translating text.
stack installer 
See Lingoport Suite Installer
translation management systems 
(TMS) Programs and vendors that support complex translation tasks.