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(Installation and Upgrade Order)
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= Installation and Upgrade Order =
= Installation and Upgrade Order =
The Customer IT group needs to have decided on which deployment scenario to follow.
The customer IT group needs to have decided on which deployment scenario to follow.
The following is the manual method to install the Lingoport Suite. For a new system, it is recommended to install using the [[Terms_and_Definitions#LingoportSuiteInstaller|Lingoport Suite Installer]] which will configure all the pieces of suite to work together seamlessly.
When you have decided on one of the [[ Deployment Scenarios | Deployment Scenarios]], be sure to follow this order:
When you have decided on one of the [[ Deployment Scenarios | Deployment Scenarios]], be sure to follow this order:

Revision as of 00:34, 28 December 2016

Lingoport Suite Overview

The Lingoport Suite is comprised of three Lingoport applications:

  • Globalyzer, to detect and fix internationalization issues in your source code.
    • Globalyzer Server manages the users and teams using Globalyzer. It also manages the rule sets and who can access them. Lingoport has an available hosted Globalyzer server.
    • Globalyzer Client scans and analyzes the code using a the Globalyzer Workbench client or the Globalyzer Lite client or a command or API interface.
  • Lingoport Resource Manager (LRM), to track and manage the localization of your translatable resource files.
    • LRM Server performs work on the projects to prep the resource files and send or receive them from translation.
    • LRM Database keeps track of the various stages of localization for projects.
  • Lingoport Dashboard, to share the progress of your internationalization and localization efforts company-wide, by displaying both high-level and detailed views of your Globalyzer Project Scan data and your Lingoport Resource Manager status information.
    • Dashboard Server manages the interaction between the SonarQube browser dashboard and the database with the project information.
    • Dashboard Client uses Globalyzer clients and LRM to analyze projects and uploads the data to the browser.

Most recent Web browsers can be used to access the Globalyzer Server, the Lingoport Dashboard, or Jenkins.

Please read through the different Deployment Scenarios and choose the one which is more appropriate for your installation.

Systems Configuration

The Lingoport Suite can be configured in a variety of ways. The following describes our recommended configuration for a Continuous Globalization System, where both internationalization and localization progress is tracked, managed and displayed in an automated and reliable process.

Lingoportsuite config.png

Important Note : The Dashboard Server and the Jenkins (Build) Server can be the same machine. This is the most frequent deployment scenario. The same machine can also host the Globalyzer Server.

To see more deployment scenarios, please refer to Deployment Scenarios . Make sure to choose a deployment scenarios with the IT department before starting the installation.

IT Participation

The customer IT group is very important to the successful deployment of the Lingoport applications. In particular, the IT group that sets up the Linux system must understand the usage model for the system. Lingoport requires a meeting with the party responsible for setting up the host system before installation can properly begin. The hope is that once the system is setup for installation, minimal IT interaction is necessary.

Lingoport Suite Installer

The Lingoport Suite can be installed using the Lingoport Suite Installer.

Preparations must be made with the IT team to ensure that all prerequisites are met before installation. For new installations, this is the recommended method to use to verify that all the various actors work together well.

Hardware & Software Requirements

The following sections describe the hardware and software requirements for each piece of the Lingoport Suite applications.

Globalyzer Server

The Globalyzer Server is where all your Globalyzer account information and rule sets are stored. Lingoport's hosted server is at www.globalyzer.com

The following table lists the system specifications for installing the Globalyzer Server on a dedicated Linux machine. The disk size assumes that the database is also installed on the machine; it could be less if the database is on a separate server. If the server machine is running more than the Globalyzer Server, we recommend increasing CPU and memory.

Hardware requirements

Element Recommended Up to
CPU 2 4
Memory 4 GB 8 GB
Disk 160 GB 500 GB

Software requirements

The current versions of these software products can be found at: Current versions of Lingoport products and supporting applications

Software Recommended
Operating System Linux
Java Standard Edition Java SDK
MySQL Database MySQL
Web Server Tomcat 6.x

Lingoport Resource Manager Database

The LRM MySQL Database is where all your resource file tracking and management status is stored.

If installing manually, MySQL must be installed before the LRM Server. The LRM Server installation uses the MySQL root access and port number to configure the LRM database and users.

Hardware Requirements

Element Recommended Minimum
Memory 4 GB
Disk 160 GB

Software Requirements

The current versions of these software products can be found at: Current versions of Lingoport products and supporting applications.

Software Supported
Operating Systems
  • Windows: 64 bit, 32 bit
  • Linux: 64 bit, 32 bit
  • Mac OS X: Power PC, 64 bit, 32 bit
Java Standard Edition Java SDK
MySQL Database MySQL

Lingoport Resource Manager Server

The LRM Server provides a command line interface, run via Jenkins jobs, that you use to configure, manage and track the localization of your application's resource files. LRM must be installed on machines that will also have the Dashboard Client installed, such as a build machine, where the source code is available. The LRM MySQL Database is not required to be on this machine.

Note: A Linux OS system is required by the LRM Server.

Hardware Requirements

Element Recommended Minimum
Memory 4 GB
Disk 160 GB

Software requirements

The current versions of these software products can be found at: Current versions of Lingoport products and supporting applications

Software Supported
Operating Systems Linux: 64 bit
Java Standard Edition Java SDK

Lingoport Dashboard Server

The Dashboard Server displays the results of Globalyzer scans and/or the Lingoport Resource Manager status in a web browser. The hardware requirements assume that the MySQL database is on the Dashboard Server machine; if the database is on a different server, then the disk size can be less, but you will still need the MySQL Client installed on the Dashboard Server machine.

Hardware Requirements

Element Recommended Minimum
Memory 500 MB
Disk 160 GB

Software Requirements

The current versions of these software products can be found at: Current versions of Lingoport products and supporting applications

Software Supported
Operating Systems Linux: 64 bit
Java Standard Edition Java SDK
MySQL Database MySQL

Lingoport Dashboard Client

The Dashboard Client analyzes source code with Globalyzer and/or with LRM and displays the information on the Dashboard Server. The client must be installed on a machine where the source code resides and both the Globalyzer Client and the LRM Server have been installed.

Although the Dashboard scripts can be run directly, using an application such as Jenkins allows you to have a continuous integration system that will:

  1. update the application's source code
  2. execute Dashboard scripts to call the Globalyzer Client and LRM Server to generate internationalization and localization status
  3. push those results to the Dashboard Server

This entire process can be set up and then scheduled to run nightly using Jenkins' web-based interface.

Note: A Linux OS system is required by the Dashboard Client to run LRM's automated scripts.

Hardware Requirements

Element Recommended Minimum
Memory 500 MB
Disk 160 GB

Software Requirements

The current versions of these software products can be found at: Current versions of Lingoport products and supporting applications

Software Supported
Operating Systems Linux: 64 bit
Java Standard Edition Java SDK

Access and Ports

Jenkins need to be accessible by Lingoport and customer personnel to configure jobs, check the console if any problem arise, run jobs if necessary. The Dashboard needs to be accessible by many actors, including customer development teams, management, and QA, Lingoport, Translation Vendors.

The following describes what needs to be open and accessible on the deployed system. See Deployment and Security.


  • Jenkins is accessed via port 8080
  • Lingoport Dashboard is accessed via port 9000
  • The Translation Vendor may be accessed by different means, for instance port 21 for FTP or port 22 for SFTP.
  • Access for the Lingoport (or internal) installation team can be done in many ways, such as SSH for Telnet or Putty.
  • The system must be able to access https://globalyzer.com.
  • The system must be able to access the code repository, such as http://github.com for instance.

Other aspects

  • Jenkins installation requires access to the Jenkins update site, http://updates.jenkins-ci.org
  • Dashboard may require access to the SonarQube update site, http://update.sonarsource.org
  • Notifications are sent using an SMTP account: The system must allow access to an SMTP server (e.g. Google)

Installation and Upgrade Order

The customer IT group needs to have decided on which deployment scenario to follow.

The following is the manual method to install the Lingoport Suite. For a new system, it is recommended to install using the Lingoport Suite Installer which will configure all the pieces of suite to work together seamlessly.

When you have decided on one of the Deployment Scenarios, be sure to follow this order:

  1. If you haven't already, go back and decide on a Deployment Scenario.
  2. Read below for details on #The Globalyzer Server, #The Dashboard Server System, #The Build Server and #The Developer Machine.
  3. Install/Upgrade #The Globalyzer Server
  4. Install/Upgrade #The Globalyzer Client/Workbench. You'll use the Workbench to test that you can connect to the Globalyzer Server.
  5. Install/Upgrade the LRM Server on #The Build Server
  6. Install/Upgrade the Dashboard Server on #The Dashboard Server System
  7. Install/Upgrade the Dashboard Client on #The Build Server

The Globalyzer Server

The Globalyzer Server is where your Account and Rule Set information are stored. Lingoport provides the Globalyzer Server at www.globalyzer.com. However, depending on licensing, you may install the server on your own system. Follow the detailed installation instructions that come with your Globalyzer Server installation files, especially the Globalyzer_Server_Setup&Admin_<version>.doc file.

The Globalyzer Client/Workbench

The Globalyzer Client/Workbench should be installed on two locations, #The Build Server and #The Developer Machine.

The Client should be installed on the Build Server once a Globalyzer Server is usable (This may be your own internal server, or www.globalyzer.com. This is a good test that you can connect to the Server, and that the server is working.

The Client may be installed on the Developer Machine anytime after the server has been set up. It is not dependent on any of the other Lingoport Suite installation steps. You may still wish to complete the installation of the rest of the Suite first, however.

Installing on #The Build Server

From #The Build Server you will be using, log in to the Globalyzer Server and click on the Client download link at the bottom of the page. If you have not configured your own Globalyzer Server, use www.globalyzer.com. Follow the instructions on the download page.

  • If Jenkins is already installed on the build server, install the Globalyzer Client somewhere that the 'jenkins' user can access (or install it as the jenkins user). If not don't worry about it for now.
  • For the Client's database, you may use either MySQL or HSQLDB. If choosing MySQL, you must have MySQL 5.6 or greater installed
  • If making the install accessible to Jenkins, install the optional installation packages (Globalyzer Command Line Client, Globalyzer Ant Tasks). Jenkins will need to use these.
    • Otherwise, you can install the workbench again as 'jenkins' later.

Once the Workbench is installed, follow the instructions on the install page to start it. A login prompt will open. If you've installed the Globalyzer Server internally, open the "Connections" tab and change the server URL to point to your Globalyzer Server. Enter your credentials and attempt to log in.

If the login is successful, and Globalyzer opens without any error dialogues, then this indicates that the Globalyzer Server is working properly. If you've installed the Globalyzer Server internally, well done! Otherwise, this is still useful confirmation that you can connect to and use www.globalyzer.com.

If the login is not successful, then you'll need to troubleshoot why. It's probably best to double check your login and connection information before proceeding into deeper troubleshooting.

Installing on #The Developer Machine

Insure #The Developer Machine has the pre-requisites as listed.

Log in to the Globalyzer Server (either www.globalyzer.com or your own internal server) and click the Client download link at the bottom of the page. Read and follow the instructions. You may install with any configuration described.

The Dashboard Server System

The Dashboard Server System is where you view internationalization and localization status of your projects in a sonar-powered dashboard. It contains the MySQL databases for both Dashboard and LRM as well as the scripts to start the Dashboard Server. In this configuration, we have separated the client applications from the server applications, though they are often combined on a single machine.

  • Install MySQL 5.6 or greater.
  • Install Java 7 JRE or greater.
  • Install the Dashboard Server. See the Dashboard Installation for details.

The Build Server

The Build Server is where you install many of the Lingoport Suite applications. It is the heart of the Continuous Globalization system, since this is where the automation occurs that keeps globalization status up-to-date. We call it the Build Server to distinguish it from a Developer machine and to imply that it could have source code for multiple applications, but it does not need to actually build executables. It just needs to run the Dashboard, Globalyzer, and LRM scripts on the latest source code; the Dashboard scripts will call the Globalyzer Client to scan the source code for internationalization issues, LRM to check for localization status, and then it will push those results to the Dashboard Server.

Starting with LRM 2.0, Jenkins, a continuous integration tool, is required. In addition to support for nightly scanning and scheduled Dashboard updates, Jenkins scripts are added as part of its LRM configuration that result in round-trip automation in the management of resource files.

  • Make sure the OS for the server is Linux, preferably Ubuntu.
  • Install Java 7 JDK or greater. The JDK is required by Globalyzer.
  • Install Jenkins 1.620 or greater.
  • The Globalyzer Client requires either MySQL or HSQLDB. If you choose MySQL, you will need to install MySQL 5.6 or greater.
  • Install #The Globalyzer Client/Workbench, including the optional packages. If the Client is already installed, insure that the 'jenkins' user (or whatever user runs jenkins) has access to the install location. You may instead re-install the workbench as the jenkins user if desired.
  • Install the LRM Server - as part of installation, you will enter connection to the LRM Server database. See Installation and Configuration
  • Install the Dashboard Client. See the Dashboard Installation section for details.

The Developer Machine

The individual Developer machine is where you install the Globalyzer Workbench so that internationalization and localization issues can be addressed.

  • Install Java 7 JDK or greater. The JDK is required by Globalyzer.
  • The Globalyzer Client requires either MySQL or HSQLDB. If you choose MySQL, you will need to install MySQL 5.6 or greater.
  • Install the Globalyzer Client.

Lingoport Customer Support

If you experience difficulties during the installation of the Lingoport Suite, please contact support@lingoport.com.