Lingoport Suite Installation - Obsolete

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The Lingoport Suite is comprised of three applications:

  • Globalyzer, to detect and fix internationalization issues in your source code.
  • Lingoport Resource Manager (LRM), to track and manage the localization of your translatable resource files.
  • Lingoport Dashboard, to share the progress of your internationalization and localization efforts company-wide, by displaying both high-level and detailed views of your Globalyzer Project Scan data and your Lingoport Resource Manager status information.

Hardware & Software Requirements

The following sections describe the hardware and software requirements for each of the Lingoport Suite applications.

Globalyzer Server

The Globalyzer Server is where all your Globalyzer account information and rule sets are stored. Lingoport's hosted server is at [1]

The following table lists the system specifications for installing the Globalyzer Server on a dedicated Windows, Mac or Linux machine. The disk size assumes that the database is also installed on the machine; it could be less if the database is on a separate server. If the server machine is running more than the Globalyzer Server, we recommend increasing CPU and memory.

Hardware requirements

Element Recommended Up to
CPU 2 4
Memory 4 GB 8 GB
Disk 160 GB 500 GB

Software requirements

Software Recommended
Operating System Windows or Linux Server, 64 bit
Java Standard Edition Java SDK 1.7 or later
MySQL Database MySQL 5.1 or later
Web Server Tomcat 6.x
Browser Any more recent browser

Lingoport Resource Manager Database

The LRM MySQL Database is where all your resource file tracking and management status is stored. When the LRM Server is installed, you will enter the connection to the LRM database.

Hardware Requirements

Element Recommended Minimum
Memory 4 GB
Disk 160 GB

Software Requirements

Software Supported
Operating System
  • Windows: 64 bit, 32 bit
  • Linux: 64 bit, 32 bit
  • Mac OS X: Power PC, 64 bit, 32 bit
Java Standard Edition Java SDK 1.7 or later
MySQL Database MySQL 5.1 or later