LRM Process Commands Reference
LRM Process interacts with the LRM engine (lrm-cli.jar) and L10n Vendors. It is also responsible for sending out notification emails. The LRM Process commands are called in the Lingoport Jenkins Jobs.
Each command has an abbreviation. The long version of each command starts with two dashes, --
. The short version of each command starts with one dash, -
This reference gives the short and the long version of each Resource Manager command and a usage example.
-cs,--check-send Command to send any pending prep kits to the active L10n vendor. -d,--debug Log4j Debug mode -f <path> Location of file (-f C:/MyLocation) or file name with path (-f C:/myfolder/myfile.xml) -gn,--group-name <group> Specifies the group name. -h,--help Displays Help. -ik,--import-kit Import the translated kit. Example: `lrmprocess-cli.jar -ik` -ju,--jenkins-user <jenkinsuser> Specifies the Jenkin's User that started the job. Default is `Jenkins`. -kv,--kit-version <version#> Specifies the kit version id when importing a kit or when activating/deactivating a kit. -lc,--locale <locale(s)> List of locales for the prep kit --override option. -lk,--late-kits Email type option to indicate that an email should be sent listing all late prep kits. -nc,--notify-changes Email type option to notify project managers of resource file changes. -or,--override Create a prep kit regardless of whether there are changes to the base files. -pk,--prep-kit Prep a kit. Example: `lrmprocess-cli.jar -pk -pn <projectname> -gn <groupname>` -plr,--process-lqa-requests Process all pending LQA requests. Example: `lrmprocess-cli.jar -plr` -pn,--project-name <project> Specifies the LRM project name. -rf,--resource-file <resource-file(s)> List of resource files for the prep kit --override option. -se,--send-email Command to send an email. The type of email is indicated by additional options. Example: `lrmprocess-cli.jar -se <email type> -pn <projectname> -gn <groupname>` -slr,--save-lqa-requests Save all outstanding LQA requests. Example: `lrmprocess-cli.jar -slr` -vcg,--version-control-get Email type option to notify of version control issues when retrieving source. -vci,--version-control-import Email type option to notify of version control issues when committing changes. -vn,--version LRM Process Main Version
--check-send (Upload pending prep kits)
The --check-send command is used to upload any prep kits that may not have been uploaded. This can occur if the connection to the L10n Vendor cannot be established. Once it is fixed, the --check-send command is called to upload the prep kits.
This command is called during the Jenkins Check Send job (see CheckSend)
java -jar lrmprocess-cli.jar --check-send
--prep-kit (Send out prep kits)
LRM Process calls the LRM engine's prep kit job, uploads the files to the appropriate L10n vendor and sends out notifications emails. This command is called during the Jenkins Prep Kit jobs (see Jenkins Prep Kit Job).
java -jar lrmprocess-cli.jar -pk -pn <project> -gn <group>
During the prep kit command, the files are prepped and moved to the prep kit staging area in order to be uploaded to the appropriate L10n vendor. The notification emails are then sent out.
Override Prep Kit
The override option of the prep kit command will prep a kit regardless of whether there are changes to the base resource files. The prep kit can be filtered by base resource files (--resource-file options) as well as locales (--locale option). If there are no additional options then all base resource file will be sent out for translation.
- Create a prep kit for all base resource files
java -jar lrmprocess-cli.jar -pk --override -pn <project> -gn <group>
- Create a prep kit for specific locales
java -jar lrmprocess-cli.jar -pk --override -pn <project> -gn <group> --locale fr,de,es_mx
- Create a prep kit for specific resource files
java -jar lrmprocess-cli.jar -pk -or -pn <project> -gn <group> --resource-file /var/lib/jenkins/myproject/resources/,/var/lib/jenkins/myproject/resources/
- Create a prep kit for a specific locale file
java -jar lrmprocess-cli.jar -pk -or -pn <project> -gn <group> -lc fr -rf /var/lib/jenkins/myproject/resources/