Lingoport CI/CD Trial
When a customer would like to check out the Lingoport products, it is recommended to set up a trial system. Please contact sales (at) if that's the case. This section describes the process for a Lingoport CI/CD Trial.
[File:Trial CICD.png]
A typical workflow
- Code is committed to a central source code repository (Git, Subversion, etc) by developers.
- Jenkins tools pull the source code from the code repository and scan using Rule Sets stored on the Globalyzer Server or analyze the resource files.
- Jenkins tools determine if the resource files need to be sent to, or imported from, the translation vendor. This may be done via an FTP connection.
- Emails are sent to designated recipients about the status of the translation upload or import.
- Lingoport Dashboard updates the status using the results of the Globalyzer scans and LRM resource reports.