DITA Project Configuration
DITA Introduction
The Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) is an XML-based architecture for authoring, producing, and delivering topic-oriented, information-typed content that can be reused and single-sourced in a variety of ways. DITA is a standard that is applicable to any kind of publication or information that might be presented to readers, including interactive training and educational materials, standards, reports, business documents, trade books, travel and nature guides, and more.
Because DITA topics are conforming XML documents, they can be readily viewed, edited, and validated using standard XML tools, although realizing the full potential of DITA requires using DITA-aware tools.
DITA uses certain file extensions for topics, maps, and conditional processing profiles. Files that contain DITA content SHOULD use the following file extensions:
- DITA topics
- .dita (preferred)
- DITA maps
- .ditamap