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Revision as of 22:47, 22 November 2019 by Rdaly (talk | contribs) (Using a Baseline to track previous text updates)
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Baseline Overview

After an LRM project is created, but before the first prep kit, a baseline is created that will populate the database with the current state of the project. If any files are changed before the prep kit, then those changes can be tracked.

For Example:


Might be updated to:

greeting="Hello! Welcome to ACME Supplies."

If the baseline was created with the original string, then the prep kit will know that the string has changed and send the new value to be translated.

When do Baseline's occur?

When an LRM project is created, it is not baselined. This allows users to make changes and fixes to the project. Once a baseline is created, some changes cannot be made.

Baselines are automatically created whenever a Prep Kit is sent out. They can also be created manually (see LRM_Commands_Reference#Create_a_project_baseline).

Please note that when the first baseline is created, LRM will make certain assumptions about the resource files from it. It is important to ensure that the LRM configuration is correct before creating your first baseline. For this reason, we recommend allowing the system to do so automatically during the first prep kit.

Using a Baseline to track previous text updates

If onboarding a new project to LRM with a previous translation history, you may wish to catch textual updates prior to onboarding time.

Note: This is an advanced use case recommended for experienced users. The following instructions assume you are already familiar with the system.

  1. Find a time in your version control history prior to the textual updates. Checkout the source code from this point. If appropriate, apply any transforms to the resource files (see /var/lib/jenkins/lingoport/transforms/<your transform>/).
  2. Create the LRM project.
  3. Verify that the LRM project is correctly configured by viewing the Lingoport Dashboard Resource Manager information. Confirm that all of the correct files tracked (hover over Next Prep Kit Content), and that LRM is not tracking any extraneous files. Check the Dashboard for the correct locales.
  4. Run the baseline with the following command: java -jar ~jenkins/lingoport/lrm-server-<version>/lrm-cli.jar --create-baseline --group-name <your group> --project-name <your project>
  5. Return the project to the latest state of the source per source control. To see what changes were picked up, you may then optionally create a similar test project for the same source without the baseline and compare the result.