LRM Commands Reference

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To invoke a command, you must type java -jar <path-to-jarfile> -command -parameters For instance, on Linux, if the Lingoport Resource Manager Command Line Interface jar file is located under ~/lingoport/lrm-server-2.0 (the default location) and you want to list the Resource Manager projects, you would type:

 java -jar ~/lingoport/lrm-server-2.0/lrm-cli.jar --list-projects

Each command also has an abbreviation. The long version of each command starts with two dashes, --. The short version of each command starts with one dash, -.

For example, the previous example could have been written:

 java -jar ~/lingoport/lrm-server-2.0/lrm-cli.jar -lp

To Note

The help provides a list of all available commands. The debug and the verbose flags can be applied to all commands.

 -d,--debug                     Log4j Debug mode

 -v,--verbose                   Verbose (console logging)

 -h,--help                      Displays Help.


This reference gives the short and the long version of each Resource Manager command and a usage example.

 -ak,--activate-kit             Activate a kit. Example: lrm-cli.jar -ak
                                --project-name MyProject --kit-version 2
 -au,--add-user                 Add a user. Example: lrm-cli.jar -au
                                --new-name MyName --new-password
 -cp,--create-project           Create a project from an xml file.
                                Example: lrm-cli.jar -cp -f
 -d,--debug                     Log4j Debug mode

 -dk,--deactivate-kit           Deactivate a specific kit. Example:
                                lrm-cli.jar -dk --project-name MyProject
                                --kit-version 2
 -dp,--delete-project           Delete a project. Example: lrm-cli.jar -dp
                                --project-name MyProject
 -dr,--dry-run                  Optional argument for --prep-kit. Runs
                                --prep-kit without altering the database.
 -ep,--export-project           Export the project into an xml file. If
                                option `-f` is not specified then the xml
                                file is saved to the default report
                                directory. Example: lrm-cli.jar -ep
 -f <string>                    Location of file (-f C:/MyLocation) or
                                file name with path (-f
 -h,--help                      Displays Help.

 -ii,--import-issues            Report on all the active import issues.
                                Example lrm-cli.jar -r -ii -pn
 -ik,--import-kit               Import the translated kit. Example:
                                lrm-cli.jar -ik -pn MyProject -f
 -ks,--kit-status               Report on all the incomplete and complete
                                kits. Example lrm-cli.jar -r -ks -pn
 -ksi,--kit-status-incomplete   Report on all the incomplete kits. Example
                                lrm-cli.jar -r -ksi -pn MyProjectName
 -kv,--kit-version <number>     Specifies the kit version id when
                                activating or deactivating a kit.
 -lp,--list-projects            Lists all the projects to the console.
                                Example: lrm-cli.jar -lp
 -nn,--new-name <string>        Specifies either the new project name when
                                renaming a project (-rp) or the user name
                                when adding a user (-au).
 -np,--new-password <string>    Specifies the password when adding a user
 -p,--password <string>         Optional argument used to log into the LRM
                                system as a different user than indicated
                                in the LrmUserConfig.xml file.
 -pi,--project-inspect          Report on all the files that were found
                                using the project definition for the
                                supplied project name. Example:
                                lrm-cli.jar -r -pi -pn MyProjectName
 -pk,--prep-kit                 Prep a kit. Example: lrm-cli.jar -pk
                                --project-name MyProject
 -pn,--project-name <string>    Specifies the project name.

 -ps,--project-status           Report on the productivity and status of
                                the supplied project name. Example
                                lrm-cli.jar -r -ps -pn MyProjectName
 -r,--report                    Run a report that is specified by an
                                additional option. If option `-f` is not
                                specified then the report is saved to the
                                default report directory.  Example:
                                lrm-cli.jar -r <report option>
 -rp,--rename-project           Rename a project. Example: lrm-cli.jar -rp
                                --project-name projectName --new-name
 -si,--source-issues            Report on the source issues for the
                                supplied project name. Example:
                                lrm-cli.jar -r -si -pn MyProjectName
 -u,--user <string>             Optional argument used to log into the LRM
                                system as a different user than indicated
                                in the LrmUserConfig.xml file.
 -up,--update-project           Update a project from an xml file.
                                Example: lrm-cli.jar -up -f
 -v,--verbose                   Verbose (console logging)

Commands to Know

There are a few commands which are useful for getting started and debugging problems.

To make things easier, set up an alias for the command. The examples below will be using the lrm alias

On Unix:

alias lrm='java -jar ~/lingoport/lrm-server2.0/lrm-cli.jar'

lrm --version

In Windows:

set "LRM=java -jar C:\Lingoport\LRM-Server-2.0\lrm-cli.jar"

%LRM% --version

Create a project

lrm --create-project -f <path to proj.xml file>

For example:

lrm -cp -f projects/MyProject.xml

The -f is the location of the project description file. It must contain a <group-name> stanza and a <project-name> stanza otherwise the creation will fail. If there are more than one groups defined, use the -gn command to tell it which group to use.

       <project-desc>This project contains resource files of all types for baseline testing</project-desc>

To see if there are multiple groups: lrm --list-groups

Create a project when there are multiple groups. The group must match that in the MyProject.xml file. lrm -cp -f projects/MyProject.xml -gn <group-name>

Create a group

Update a project

Update a license

Create reports