Special L10n Vendor Integrations
FTP / Recommended
GlobalLink Configuration
To choose GlobalLink as the vendor, uncomment the l10n.vendor=globallink
in the config_l10n_vendor.properties file.
The information that is needed to upload the files to be translated as well as retrieve translated files is:
#GLOBALLINK #globallink.url= #globallink.password.for.upload= #globallink.username.for.upload= #globallink.password.for.download= #globallink.username.for.download= #globallink.project.name=A dedicated LRM project is required #globallink.project.shortcode= #Owner is not required #globallink.owner= #When to download files - 1 is on completed status (default), 2 is for preliminary targets based on workflow steps #globallink.download.option=1
GlobalLink Locale Mapping
GlobalLink does not allow language only locales. If there are LRM target locales that are language-only, then a mapping between the LRM locale and the GlobalLink locale should be entered into config_gl_locale_mapping.properties
file if it doesn't already exist.
Though the default location for the configuration file is at the global level (<HOME>/Lingoport_Data/L10nStreamlining/config), the file may also reside at the group or project level. The configuration file also exists in the LRM install directory's <HOME>/lingoport/lrm-server-x.y/deploy/templates/dir_structure/global/config
GlobalLink File Format Mapping
The config_gl_file_format.properties
file contains the mapping between LRM supported extensions and their corresponding GlobalLink file formats
Though the default location for the configuration file is at the global level (<HOME>/Lingoport_Data/L10nStreamlining/config), the file may also reside at the group or project level. The configuration file also exists in the LRM install directory's <HOME>/lingoport/lrm-server-x.y/deploy/templates/dir_structure/global/config
To choose Lingotek as the vendor, uncomment the l10n.vendor=lingotek
in the config_l10n_vendor.properties file.
The information that is needed to upload the files to be translated as well as retrieve translated files is:
#Lingotek Attributes #Contains the host URL and api request formats lingotek.api.hosturl=https://cms.lingotek.com #Contains the ids for community, workflow and access token lingotek.api.id.access.token= lingotek.api.id.community= lingotek.api.id.workflow= #Example callbackURL - replace job name (lingotek) with actual Jenkins job name lingotek.api.callbackurl=http://jenkins.company.com:8080/buildByToken/buildWithParameters?job=LingotekCallback&token=LINGOSQUARE& #{0} is the access.token lingotek.api.bearer=Bearer {0}
Lingotek Locale Mapping
Lingotek does not allow language only locales. If there are LRM target locales that are language-only, then a mapping between the LRM locale and the Lingotek locale should be entered into config_lingotek_locale_mapping.properties
file if it doesn't already exist.
The default location for the configuration file is at the group level (<HOME>/Lingoport_Data/L10nStreamlining/<group name>/config). The configuration file also exists in the LRM install directory's <HOME>/lingoport/lrm-server-x.y/deploy/templates/dir_structure/group/config
Local Vendor
The Local vendor is used for storing the prep/translated files on the local machine (the same machine where LRM is running). This type of vendor is useful when testing out LRM.
Local Vendor Configuration
To choose a Local vendor for the prep/translated files, uncomment (or add) the l10n.vendor=local
in the appropriate config_l10n_vendor.properties file.
The information that is required when configuring a local vendor is:
##LOCAL VENDOR ##Absolute path for zip files to translation (outgoing) local.out.absolute.path= ##Absolute path for zip files from translation (incoming) local.in.absolute.path=
To choose Worldserver as the vendor, uncomment the l10n.vendor=worldserver
in the config_l10n_vendor.properties file.
With the WorldServer integration, files to be translated are sent via the WorldServer API to a Workflow/Client; The translated files are returned via FTP.
The information that is needed to upload the files to be translated as well as retrieve translated files is:
#WORLDSERVER Attributes ## Worldserver attributes for import kit files worldserver.in.host= worldserver.in.location.path= worldserver.in.password= worldserver.in.port=22 #SSH, SSL or blank (for FTP) worldserver.in.ftp.protocol=SSH worldserver.in.username= ## ssl implicit flag. Set to 0 for explicit, set to 1 for implicit worldserver.in.ssl.implicit=0 ##Zip file name that contains the translated files needs to beone of the following options. ## Option #1 for zip file prefix - Default worldserver.in.file.name.prefix=${groupname}.${projectname}.${kitversion}.${lrmlocale} ## Option #2 for zip file prefix #worldserver.in.file.name.prefix=${groupname}.${projectname}.${kitversion}.${wslocale} ## Option #3 for zip file prefix #worldserver.in.file.name.prefix=${groupname}.${projectname}.${kitversion}.${lrmlocale}.${wslocale} ## WorldServer attributes for send kit files worldserver.out.url= worldserver.out.user= worldserver.out.password= worldserver.client= ## Available tokens ${groupname},${projectname},${kitversion},${lrmlocale}, ${wslocale} worldserver.out.project.name=${groupname}.${projectname}.${kitversion}.${lrmlocale}
WorldServer URL Endpoint
The worldserver.out.url needs to be configured with the proper URL endpoint for your WorldServer instance.
- LRM uses the wssdk-client .jar file to communicate with WorldServer when sending files to be translated
- For instance, the URL could look like
- One minimal way to test the connection is to invoke a command for an LRM project:
java -jar lingoport-ws-cli.jar -tc -gn <GROUP> -pn <PROJECT> INFO 2019-04-25 10:33:58,638 com.lingoport.lrm.persistence.LrmConnectionFactory.buildSqlSessionFactory: Connect to database successful. INFO 2019-04-25 10:34:00,489 com.lingoport.ws.pipeline.stage.TestWorldserverConnectionStage.execute: Testing the Worldserver Connection [...] INFO 2019-04-25 10:34:03,953 com.lingoport.ws.pipeline.connection.TestConnectionPipelineContext.logIsDoneMessage: Connection to Worldserver was successful Process completed successfully.
WorldServer Locale Mapping
The config_ws_locale_mapping.properties
configuration file contains the mapping between the LRM target locales and the unique Worldserver locale. The mappings must be unique!
All target locales must be represented in this configuration file.
The configuration file can exist at the project level and group levels. The configuration file also exists in the LRM install directory's <HOME>/lingoport/lrm-server-x.y/deploy/templates/dir_structure/group/config
Example if target locales are de and fr_FR
de=008_German fr_fr=002_French_France
Worldserver Project Type Mapping
The config_ws_locale_projecttype_mapping.properties
configuration file contains the mapping between a LRM target locale and the Worldserver project type. All LRM target locales must be represented in this configuration file.
The configuration file can exist at the project level and group levels. The configuration file also exists in the LRM install directory's <HOME>/lingoport/lrm-server-x.y/deploy/templates/dir_structure/group/config
the files are mostly named with a two letters locale, like for instance messages_en.json, messages_fr.json, as opposed to a 'four letters' locale, like messages_en_EN.json or messages_fr_FR.json. See Chinese for a bit more on the subject.
To set up the mapping, determine for a group or a project how the locale is defined (2 letters, 4 letters, other) and put on the left side the locale indication on the files or the directories and on the right side the WS locales, to be checked against your WS instance.
In the following mapping example, the repository files are in the form message_fr.json
Example of config_ws_locale_mapping.properties :
en=000_English es=002_Spanish da=110_Danish bg=112_Bulgarian hr=119_Croatian nl=120_Dutch cs=121_Czech et=124_Estonian fi=130_Finnish ka=131_Georgian el=133_Greek hu=135_Hungarian fr=140_French de=150_German lv=153_Latvian lt=156_Lithuanian mk=158_Macedonian mt=159_Maltese it=160_Italian pl=166_Polish ro=171_Romanian ru=173_Russian sk=176_Slovak sl=177_Slovenian sv=180_Swedish tr=186_Turkish is=190_Icelandic uk=192_Ukrainian hy=201_Armenian pt=059_Portuguese km=258_Cambodian zh=265_Chinese zh_hans=266_Chinese (Simplified) hi=294_Hindi id=299_Indonesian ja=300_Japanese ko=320_Korean lo=331_Laotian mn=363_Mongolian th=425_Thai vi=435_Vietnamese fj=858_Fijian sm=890_Samoan to=900_Tongan ht=036_Haitian ms=348_Malay no=170_Norwegian sq=101_Albanian sr=202_Serbian (Cyrillic) mg=654_Malagasy sw=743_Swahili