Azure DevOps Server (TFS) Data Source Credential
Creating a Azure Repos Data Source Credential
The Administrator can create the data source credentials by selecting the (Create new credential) button on the Manage Data Source Credentials page.
Select the Azure Repos card
Enter a Username the the Personal access token.
- Also enter the Server URL
- Next
Give the new credential a name
- Assign it to applicable managers
- Create
The system should return to the Manage Data Source Credentials page with "Credential created" note and the new credential should be listed.
Creating a project using an Azure data source credential
Select the to get to the Projects page and select the
to Create new project. The first step in the process will come up.
Step 1: Select the Azure Repos data source
Step 2: Choose an Azure repository
- Repository URL: In Azure, in the project, when the project is cloned, the resulting URL looks like: In Command Center, for the URL, remove the username:
- Project Branch: As with Git repositories, this value is required. It might be master or another created branch.
Now continue with the Step-by-Step instructions.