Installing Docker on CentOS 7

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On the system (most likely a virtual machine) dedicated to Command Center, make sure you have the latest version of Docker up and running. The following steps may help.

A user with sudo privileges is required to run most commands. On CentOS systems the user may be 'centos'

Uninstall old Docker versions

This is an optional step in case your Docker version is out of date:

   sudo yum remove docker \
                 docker-client \
                 docker-client-latest \
                 docker-common \
                 docker-latest \
                 docker-latest-logrotate \
                 docker-logrotate \

Install Docker using the repository

   sudo yum install -y yum-utils
   sudo yum-config-manager \
     --add-repo \

   sudo yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin

Start Docker

Start docker using the following command:

   $ sudo systemctl start docker

Enable the Docker service to start automatically on system boot by running the following command:

   $ sudo systemctl enable docker

Verify that Docker Engine is installed correctly

Run the hello-world image.

   $ sudo docker run hello-world

This command will run a test container and display a message indicating that the installation is working properly.

Install other packages

In anticipation of installing Command Center, the following packages should be installed, if not already on the system.

  • git
  • zip and unzip
  sudo yum install git zip unzip

Return to the Installation page to continue installing Command Center on the system