Localyzer Installation

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Resource Manager Installation

The Lingoport Resource Manager is composed of three items:

  • the Resource Manager Server: many users can interact with the Resource Manager for the same projects. The Server keeps track of all the actions and the expected results. The server is best located on one central system accessible by all clients.
  • the Resource Manager Client: each user who interacts with the Resource Manager needs a client to execute the commands, such as verifying files to be sent for translation. The client is a light Java application and needs to communicate with the server.
  • the Dashboard: the Lingoport Dashboard aggregates and displays data from both the Resource Manager and Globalyzer. Its installation is the subject of another guide.

The Resource Manager server must be installed before starting each individual Resource Manager installation.

Server Installation

Before installing the server, the following pre-requisites are necessary:


  1. Supported OS: Windows, Linux, MacOS
  2. Installer jar file: you must have the Lingoport_Resource_Manager_Server-<x.x>-Installer.jar file.
  3. License: Lingoport must have sent you an email with the licensing information. You must have that information ready before installing the server. If you do not have the licensing information of the jar file, please contact support@lingoport.com.
  4. JVM: you must have a Java 6 or above JVM. To verify you do, simply type “java –version” at the command line and check the version. If you need to install Java, refer to the Java download page, for instance http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp
  5. MySQL: you must have a MySQL 5.1 or above database instance running and access to it. To verify this installation, type “mysql –u <username> -p<password> “at the command prompt. If you don’t have mysql installed or if mysql is not on your path, you may need to refer to MySql download and installation, for instance http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/.
  6. MySQL Time Zone: MySQL time zone must be non-ambiguous. An example of an ambiguous time zone is 'MST' whereas 'America/Denver' is a non-ambiguous time zone. Refer to MySQL documentation for your specific OS to set time zones appropriately.
    • For Window, you should be able to type SET GLOBAL time_zone = 'America/Denver’ at the MySQL prompt.
    • For Linux, you could for instance type mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo/|mysql -u root mysql -p from the command line and then SET GLOBAL time_zone = 'America/Denver’ at the MySQL prompt.
    • For MacOS, you may for instance type mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo/|mysql -D mysql -u root mysql -p from the command line and then SET GLOBAL time_zone = 'America/Denver’ at the MySQL prompt.

Setting up the Server

Run the installer by either:

  • double clicking on the Lingoport_Resource_Manager_Server-<x.x>-Installer.jar
  • running “java –jar Lingoport_Resource_Manager_Server-<x.x>-Installer.jar“ at the command prompt.

The Lingoport Resource Manager will then prompt you for license information and database settings to create the database tables in MySQL. Please note that the connection settings and the company ID in the server installation will be used in the subsequent client installations.

Client Installations

Before starting an individual client installation, the following pre-requisites are necessary:


  1. Supported OS: Windows, Linux, MacOS
  2. Installer jar file: you must have the Lingoport_Resource_Manager_Client-<x.x>-Installer.jar file.
  3. Server installed: the Resource Manager Server must have been installed.
  4. JVM: you must have a Java 6 or above JVM. To verify you do, simply type “java –version” at the command line and check the version. If you need to install Java, refer to the Java download page, for instance http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp .
  5. MySQL: you must have access to the Lingoport Resource Manager MySQL 5.1 instance where the server installation was run.

Setting up a Client

Run the installer by either:

  • double clicking on the Lingoport_Resource_Manager_Client-<x.x>-Installer.jar
  • running java –jar Lingoport_Resource_Manager_Client-<x.x>-Installer.jar at the command prompt.

The Lingoport Resource Manager will then prompt you for license information and database settings to create the database tables in MySQL.

Proceed to the Getting Started portion of this FAQ.