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Link LRM and XTM

Configure config_l10n_vendor.properties (which can be specified at the group or project config level):

  • uncomment l10n.vendor=local
  • configure local.out.absolute.path
  • configure local.in.absolute.path

Configure <HOME>/Lingoport_Data/L10nStreamlining/config/config_xtm_tofrom.properties:

  • configure xtm.to.translation.dir
  • configure xtm.from.translation.dir

Modify the Jenkins job LocalVendorDownload and check Build after other projects are built and then in Projects to watch, type in XTMCallback.

XTM Configuration

Configure the XTM settings in the config_xtm_vendor.properties (which can be specified at the group or project config level).

# Contains configuration for xtm
# Note: this file should be placed in ~/Lingoport_Data/L10nStreamlining/<group>/config 
#                                  or ~/Lingoport_Data/L10nStreamlining/<group>/projects/<project>/config
# Run the following command to get the token:
# java -jar lingoport-xtm-cli.jar --get-token -s <server> -c <client> -u <userId> -p <password> 
# Run the following command to get the customerId:
# java -jar lingoport-xtm-cli.jar --get-customer-id -s <server> -t <token> -cn <customerName>
# Run the following command to get the templateId (if using a template):
# java -jar lingoport-xtm-cli.jar --get-template-id -s <server> -t <token> -ci <customerid> -tn <templatename>
# Run the following command to get the workflowId (if using a workflow id):
# java -jar lingoport-xtm-cli.jar --get-workflow-id -s <server> -t <token> -wn <workflowname>
# Required to configure either a workflow name, workflow id, or template id

# the following are required

# one of the following must be configured

# configure proper URL for your company

XTM Locale Mapping

Configure config_xtm_locale_mapping.properties (which can be specified at the group or project config level).
This file maps locales from LRM to XTM. For example, LRM supports the language only locale fr, which must be mapped to fr_FR for XTM.

The default location for the configuration file is at the group level (<HOME>/Lingoport_Data/L10nStreamlining/<group name>/config). The configuration file also exists in the LRM install directory's <HOME>/lingoport/lrm-server-x.y/deploy/templates/dir_structure/group/config folder.

#Locale mapping language only locales - Locales should be in the java format (_)
# This is the default mapping. For your community, you'll need to edit this file
# and place it either at the group level or the project level.