Installing Docker on RedHat Enterprise Linux 8

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On the system (most likely a virtual machine) dedicated to Command Center, make sure you have the latest version of docker up and running. The following steps may help.

A user with sudo privileges is required to run most commands. The Red Hat user may be 'ec2-user'.

Uninstall old docker versions

This is an optional step in case your docker version is out of date:

   sudo yum remove docker \
                 docker-client \
                 docker-client-latest \
                 docker-common \
                 docker-latest \
                 docker-latest-logrotate \
                 docker-logrotate \

Install docker using the repository

   sudo yum install -y yum-utils
   sudo yum-config-manager \
     --add-repo \

   sudo yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin

Start Docker.

Start docker using the following command:

   $ sudo systemctl start docker

Enable the Docker service to start automatically on system boot by running the following command:

   $ sudo systemctl enable docker

Verify that Docker Engine is installed correctly

Run the hello-world image.

   $ sudo docker run hello-world

This command will run a test container and display a message indicating that the installation is working properly.

Install other packages

In anticipation of installing Command Center, the following packages should be installed, if not already on the system.

  • git
  • zip and unzip
  sudo yum install git zip unzip

Return to the Installation page to continue installing Command Center on the system