LRM rjs Support

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rjs is a deprecated format. rjs files are generated by Globalyzer Workbench and this format has been superseded by .json string externalization as a more standardized format for JavaScript.

Example .rjs File

// SOURCE_FILE C:/Users/rdaly/Desktop/2016/SmokeTestSource/javascript/FilterPatternOrderTests.js
var FILT_DDMMYYY_7="dd/MM/yyyy";
var FILT_CHCHCHC_8="chchchc";
var FILT_CHCHCHC_9="chchchc";

// SOURCE_FILE C:/Users/rdaly/Desktop/2016/SmokeTestSource/javascript/methods/javascriptmethods.jsp
var JAVA_INSETCM_10="In SetCmd - value = ";
var JAVA_YOUHAVE_11="You have made some changes on this page.  Do you want to continue without saving the changes?";
var JAVA_ENTERAN_12="Enter an evaluation name.\n";

js parser type

valid rjs syntax

Files that use the js parser are expected to have valid rjs syntax as defined above.

.rjs uses the js parser type

When defining a project containing LRM Standard .rjs extension resource files, there is no need to define a <parser-type> as the js parser will always be used.

unique file extension needs to define js parser type

If a unique file extension is a valid .js file, then the <parser-type> should be js in the project definition file.

Example of Project Definition for Resources

The following is an example of js resource file definitions. See resource extensions for more information.

     <!-- parser-type not needed since .rjs is a standard LRM extension that maps to the js parser type -->
     <!-- parser-type is required because .myext is not a standard LRM extension >