LingoBot CA Flowdock Setup

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This portion of the installation guide only applies if the collaboration environment you will be using is CA Flowdock. If you will be using either Slack or Cisco Spark, please follow the corresponding setup instructions.

Setting up LingoBot to run on CA Flowdock is as simple as creating a new user account through which LingoBot will communicate. If you would rather not deal with the hassle of creating a new Flowdock user account, feel free to ask us to make one for your LingoBot instance. We will send you the API token needed for LingoBot's configuration file and you can simply invite the account to join your Flow once it is ready.

If you don't mind creating the account yourself, then simply follow these instructions to do so.

  • First, you will need an email account with which you can create a Flowdock account. You can make one for free on Gmail if need be.
  • Once this is completed, navigate to the Flowdock Sign Up page and click "Sign Up Using Google"
  • When prompted, sign in using the Google account you created for LingoBot (alternatively, you can sign up using a non-google account by filling out the details manually).
  • Once the account has been created, navigate to the Profile Editing Page and set the following information:
    • Name: Lingoport Chatbot
    • Display Name: By default, we recommend simply calling it "lingobot", however you're welcome to name it whatever you would like.
      • If you do choose to call it something other than "lingobot", make sure that you set the LINGOBOT_NAME variable in the configuration file to whatever name you chose.
      • Example: export LINGOBOT_NAME=lingobot-123
    • Avatar: You can download the following icon Lingoport logo small.jpeg and upload it, upload your own custom icon, or simply leave it blank.
  • Once this is done, scroll down and click "Update Profile"
  • The final step is to navigate to the API Tokens page. Here you will find an API token labeled "Personal Api Token".
  • Copy the API token and paste it into the LingoBot configuration file (/var/lib/jenkins/lingoport/lingobot-<x.y>/config/ next to the HUBOT_FLOWDOCK_API_TOKEN variable declaration.


export HUBOT_FLOWDOCK_API_TOKEN=0a1b2c3d4e5f6g7a8b9c0d

Furthermore, make sure the LINGOBOT_ADAPTER variable is set to "flowdock".


export LINGOBOT_ADAPTER=flowdock

Once this is complete, the bot is now configured and ready to be installed! Follow the instructions below on running the installation script to finish the installation process.

Skip to the next step: Running The Installation Script