On Boarding the Nightly Job
The Nightly Job is relevant only to jobs that use Localyzer, it is not needed for Globalyzer-only analysis. The -Nightly jobs are not a necessity for Localyzer. They notify the recipient list of the status of their projects. The recipient list is set in the automation job, groupname.projectname.
Project Nightly Steps
- Go to the 2 - Nightlies tab
- Click New Item and give the job name. A recommended job name is groupname.projectname-Nightly, for instance Lingoport.javademo-Nightly;
- Under Copy from enter the name of the existing nightly job, for instance Lingoport.SampleLRM-Nightly and select OK
- Enable the job.
- Verify by clicking the Build Now button.
- Check the Jenkins console output for errors.
- A Notification email should be sent.