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Create a new Project

Note: A set of short tutorial videos is located on the About Globalyzer page. One of the short videos focuses on creating a new project.

You can create a project by pointing to a source code directory in disk, or importing files in the Workbench workspace, which is more used by software engineers ready to refactor code. Importing files in the workspace can be done from files on disk or files in a source code control system, like Git or SVN

Create a project by pointing to source code on disk

 File => New => Project => General => Project

Uncheck Use Default Location and Browse to the location of your source code on disk. Name the project and click Finish. If this is the first project, there are no Globalyzer configurations created yet to associate to this project. click New To associate scanning logic to the new project click

Scan => Manage Scan

and follow the wizard.

Check out a project

File => New => Project

and select the source code control system, such as Git or SVN if you have installed as an extension to the out of the box Workbench.

Note: To add an extension such as SVN, select:

Help => Install New Software

and, for SVN, add "SVN Subversive Updates -" or another plugin or your choice.

Restrict the Scanning Results to a Directory or to a File

Select directory or file in Project Explorer, right click and choose:

Globalyzer => View Scan Results For

Follow the above when you have a lot of results from scanning and you want to see only those issues relative to a sub-directory or even to one file.

Showing the Rule Sets in a Browser or in the Workbench

Window => Preferences => General => Editor => Web Browser

Choose Use internal web browser if you want to see the rule sets in the Workbench when you click View your Scan Rule Sets. Choose Use external web browser if you want to see the rule sets in a separate Web browser.

Spell Checking

Window > Preferences => General => Editors => Text Editor => Spelling

will allow you to configure how to apply spell checking in a text editor.

Generating Reports

Prevent possible OLE Error when generating reports

By default, on Windows, OLE applications like Microsoft Word or Excel open as in-place editors. When generating a report, It is possible to get an OLE error when using the default settings because of the specifics of your system. Here are a couple of tips to avoid that error:

Prevent in-place OLE editors

Window => Preferences => General => Editors 

You can force OLE applications to open as stand-alone applications by unchecking the Allow in-place system editors option on the preference page.

Prevent opening by default the reports

Window => Preferences => Globalyzer

and uncheck the Display Report after Export

Change the file association

Window => Preferences => General => Editors => File Associations 

and associate the editor with the offending extension