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(Internal to company network)
(102 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 42: Line 42:
! Memory
! Memory
| 16 GB
| 16 GB
| 16 GB
| 32 GB
! Disk
! Disk
Line 52: Line 52:
===Software requirements===
===Software requirements===
The current versions of these software products can be found at: [[Introduction#Current_versions_of_Lingoport_products_and_supporting_applications | Current versions of Lingoport products and supporting applications]]
Since this is a Docker installation, most of the containers will be managed by Docker. However, volumes will be mounted on the Linux virtual machine and a database configuration file will reside on the VM: This requires Linux and a Docker installation.
{| border="1" class="wikitable" style="width=50%"
! Software
! Recommended
! Operating System
| Linux, CentOS (7) or RedHat (8)
=== Support Browsers and Versions ===
Since this is a Docker installation, most of the containers will be managed by Docker. However, volumes will be mounted on the Linux VM and a database configuration file will reside on the VM: This requires Linux.
The following browsers are supported:
* Chrome: 117+
* Edge: 117+
* Firefox: 71+
==Access and Ports / Firewall==
==Access and Ports / Firewall==
Command Center may need to be accessible by Lingoport and customer personnel to configure jobs, check the console if any problem arise, run jobs if necessary. Command Center needs to be accessible by many customer actors, including development teams, management, and QA, Lingoport, Translation Vendors.
Command Center may need to be accessible by Lingoport and customer personnel to configure jobs, check the console if any problem arise, run jobs if necessary. Command Center needs to be accessible by many customer actors, including development teams, management, and QA, Lingoport, Translation Vendors.
=== Ports ===
Please see [[Deployment_Scenarios#External_Access_and_Ports |External Access and Ports]] for all the details.
===== Internal to company network =====
{| border="1" class="wikitable" style="text-align:left; width=50%;"
HTTPS is recommended but not necessary for the Command Center installation. HTTPS may already be set up or your IT may have a standard on how to set up HTTPS. If that's the case, go the next section.
!Services!!Ports!!Inbound (session)!!Outbound (session)!!Notes
|SSH (for system config/maintenance)|| 22 || Y || N || System configuration and maintenance
|Command Center || 8083 (HTTP) and/or 443 (HTTPS) || Y || N || Default 8083 (configurable at install time) HTTPS requires reverse proxy Ex: Apache and Installation of SSL certificate.
|[[Terms_and_Definitions#translationvendor|Translation Vendor]] interactions: FTP/FTPS/SFTP (MemoQ, etc.) || 21 (FTP) or 443 (FTPS) or 22 (SFTP - recommended) || (FTP/S only) || Y || FTP/FTPS also require data ports (> 1024). Recommend SFTP if possible.
|[[Terms_and_Definitions#translationvendor|Translation Vendor]] interactions: Trados Enterprise, XTM and Memsource || 80 (HTTP) optional. 443 (HTTPS) required. || (Some cases) || Y || May need to be external if XTM/Memsource not installed on premise.
|SMTP/SMTPS || 25 or 465 or 587 || N || Y || Depends on corporate mail setup.
|Globalyzer Server (Optional) || 80 or 443 || N || Y || Only needed when Globalyzer Server is on premises
|Repository Access || 22 (SSH) 443 (HTTPS/S3) 3690 (SVN) 7990 (Bitbucket) 7999 (Bitbucket) 8080 (TFS) || N || Y || VCS systems can vary, check with particular port(s) being used (Could be external/internal/both)
==== External access ====
Otherwise, follow this link for a suggested HTTPS configuration:
* [HTTPS configuration | HTTPS Configuration ]
{| border="1" class="wikitable" style="text-align:left; width=50%;"
HTTPS configuration is often achieved via a reverse proxy hosted on the Linux system. Instructions to do so using Apache are as follows for CentOS / RHEL:
|Lingoport SSH access || 22 || Y || N || Optional. Recommended for ease of upgrades and maintenance.
|RHEL/CentOS/Ubuntu Packages || 80 (Debian) 443 (RHEL) || N || Y || Operating system packages access (Most likely external, but could be managed internally as well)
|Globalyzer Server || 80 and 443 || N || Y || Access to Globalyzer Server in Lingoport Cloud for rule sets (Unless using on-premises Globalyzer Server)
|hub.docker.com || 80 and 443 || N || Y || Command Center Image location
|Repository Access || 22 (SSH) 443 (HTTPS/S3) 3690 (SVN) 7990 (Bitbucket) 7999 (Bitbucket) 8080 (TFS) || N || Y || VCS systems can vary, check with particular port(s) being used (Could be external/internal/both)
1. Install apache and mod_ssl (https support for apache)
HTTPS is recommended but not necessary for the Command Center installation. HTTPS may already be set up or your IT may have a standard on how to set up HTTPS. If that's the case, go the next section.
<code>sudo yum install httpd</code>
Otherwise, follow this link for a suggested HTTPS configuration:
<code>sudo yum install mod_ssl</code>
* [[ HTTPS configuration | HTTPS Configuration ]]
== Email Sender ==
2. Configure SELinux to allow apache network connections
Email notifications are sent to a project configured recipients . See [[ Projects_page#Create_a_new_project | Create a new project ]] after this installation.
For those notifications to be sent, the following will be configured in the settings.
The following information will then be needed:
<code>sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect true</code>
* Host URL ''(like smpt.gmail.com for instance)''
* Authorization method ''(SMTP, SMTPS, etc.)''
* Sender email address ''(localyzer@customerdomain.com for instance)''
* Sender password
== Docker Install==
3. Add http (not s) config file with the following content (edit as appropriate):
Docker is a platform that allows you to easily develop, test, and deploy applications as containers. This section will walk you through the process of installing Docker on a Linux system.
The supported versions of Linux are:
* [[Installing Docker on RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 |RedHat Enterprise Linux 8]]
* [[Installing Docker on CentOS 7 |CentOS 7]] (EOL June 2024)
<VirtualHost *:80>
* [[Installing Docker on RedHat Enterprise Linux 7|RedHat Enterprise Linux 7]] (EOL June 2024)
* [[Oracle Linux 8]]
* [[Installing Docker on Ubuntu 20.04|Ubuntu 20.04]]
* [[Installing_Docker_on_Amazon_Linux_2|Amazon Linux 2]]
Other versions of Linux may work correctly, but these are the versions and processes that have been verified.
# ServerName SERVER_URL_REPLACE_ME # example: myserver.lingoport.io
== Credentials ==
AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyRequests Off
When deploying Command Center, the configuration determines if the user management is done by Command Center itself, via an LDAP, or via SSO (using SAML).
# Default command center config - hosted on port 8083 under url path '/command-center/'
ProxyPass /command-center/ http://localhost:8083/command-center/ nocanon
ProxyPassReverse /command-center/ http://localhost:8083/command-center/
=== Command Center User Database ===
# Default fallback config, redirect to port 8083 for urls without '/command-center/' as the starting path.
# Adjust this if a different fallback mechanism is preferred.
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8083/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8083/
One administration user is configured when Command Center is installed. Contact support (at) lingoport (dot) com in order to get an administration user and password. That user can then create Command Center users. It is strongly recommended to change the first administration password and keep it safe.
# Force HTTPS only (Requires ssl config enabled)
#Header edit Location ^http://(.*)$ https://$1
#RewriteEngine on
#RewriteRule ^ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [END,NE,R=permanent]
=== LDAP ===
* LDAP Connection
* Management
=== SSO ===
4. Restart apache to apply the settings
* SSO Connection
<code>sudo systemctl restart httpd</code>
* Management
= New Command Center Installation =
5. Acquire a certificate. Please follow your organization's instructions to do so. You should have a private key, and acquire both a certificate and a certificate chain. Some orgs may provide the certificate in the same file as the chain. Please request .pem style certificates, or convert the certificates to .pem.
==sudo user==
6. Place the certificate and private key on a secure location on your system. Standard location is <code>/etc/pki/tls/</code>, with the certificate under <code>/etc/pki/tls/certs/</code> and the associated private key under </code>/etc/pki/tls/private/</code>
A user, such as <code>centos</code> or <code>ec2-user</code>, with <code>sudo</code> privileges is required as the user under which to install Command Center.
* Note: This should not be the legacy <code>jenkins</code> user.
==Create the database conf file==
7. Add apache config to utilize the certificate:
Use the sudo user home for Docker, such as /home/centos for CentOS systems and /home/ec2-user for RedHat virtual systems.
The mysql and conf.d folders may need to be created as well.
vi /home/<user>/mysql/conf.d/mysql.cnf
<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
default-character-set = utf8mb4
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName SERVER_URL_REPLACE_ME # example: myserver.lingoport.io
default-character-set = utf8mb4
DocumentRoot /var/www/html
== Configuration ==
AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
Get the installation and update scripts and the install.conf file from the main branch of this public repository:
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyRequests Off
* https://github.com/Lingoport/CommandCenterConfig
# Default command center config - hosted on port 8083 under url path '/command-center/'
ProxyPass /command-center/ http://localhost:8083/command-center/ nocanon
ProxyPassReverse /command-center/ http://localhost:8083/command-center/
You should have files such as:
# Default fallback config, redirect to port 8083 for urls without '/command-center/' as the starting path.
# Adjust this if a different fallback mechanism is preferred.
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8083/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8083/
If you need to install SSO version, the relevant files are:
# SSL Settings. These may be placed in other config files instead, but are left here for convenience.
SSLEngine on
# BEGIN Possible security settings - based on LetsEncrypt recommendations as of Feb 2023.
# ---
# Please adjust to your own organization's guidelines!
SSLHonorCipherOrder off
SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3 -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1
Copy the above files under your home directory, ''for instance'' <code><user>/commandCenterInstall</code> where <user> may be <code>/home/centos</code> or <code>/home/ec2-user</code>.
SSLOptions +StrictRequire
===Set up install.conf ===
# Add vhost name to log entries:
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\"" vhost_combined
LogFormat "%v %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" vhost_common
# ---
# END Possible security settings
Unless directed otherwise, change the top part of the <code>install.conf</code> file.
Set up <code>saml_configuration.conf</code> if you are going to use SAML
# Reference the certificates:
SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/<yourserver.yourorg.com>.pem
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/<yourserversprivatekey>.pem
The initial version number will be provided for the first installation.
# Not necessary if the certificate file includes a chain as well. See [[apache doc|https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_ssl.html#sslcertificatefile]]
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/dockerdev1.lingoport.io/chain.pem
For updates, <code>command_center_image_version</code> will be the only parameter to change in the <code>install.conf</code> file.
8. Optionally enforce a redirect to https by uncommenting and filling out the following section in <code>/etc/httpd/conf.d/lingoport-apps.conf</code>
# Provide the Command Center version
# Force HTTPS only (Requires ssl config enabled)
# For *Regular* Updates, this should be the only parameter to change
#Header edit Location ^http://(.*)$ https://$1
#RewriteEngine on
#RewriteRule ^ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [END,NE,R=permanent]
Make sure to keep a copy of that file in case you overwrite it when updating from the https://github.com/Lingoport/CommandCenterConfig Git repository
# After Install, Updates should not need to change anything below
# Force HTTPS only (Requires ssl config enabled)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
Header edit Location ^http://(.*)$ https://$1
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{SERVER_NAME} =example.somecorp.com
RewriteRule ^ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [END,NE,R=permanent]
# The Server URL: '"https://yourserver/command-center"'
# Provide the home directory, lingoport/commandcenter/Lingoport_Data
9. Restart apache to apply the settings
# folder will be created
# Provide the Command Center server port
<code>sudo systemctl restart httpd</code>
==Run InstallCommandCenter.sh==
== Docker Pre-Requisite==
Docker is a platform that allows you to easily develop, test, and deploy applications as containers. This section will walk you through the process of installing Docker on a Linux system.
chmod +x *.sh
On the system (most likely a VM) dedicated to Command Center, make sure you have the latest version of docker up and running. The following steps may help.
sudo ./InstallCommandCenter.sh
If you are using sso version installer, run
A user with '''sudo''' privileges is required to run most commands.
chmod +x *.sh
====Uninstall old docker versions====
sudo ./InstallSSOCommandCenter.sh
To check the running container status
This is an optional step in case your docker version is out of date:
sudo yum remove docker \
sudo docker ps
docker-client \
docker-client-latest \
docker-common \
docker-latest \
docker-latest-logrotate \
docker-logrotate \
=== Re-install Command Center ===
====Install docker using the repository====
If you need to re-run the '''InstallCommandCenter.sh'''h, make sure to run '''UninstallCommandCenter.sh''' first to clean your environment.
sudo yum install -y yum-utils
* Uninstall Command Center
sudo yum-config-manager \
--add-repo \
sudo yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-compose-plugin
sudo ./UninstallCommandCenter.sh
====Start Docker.====
Start docker using the following command:
* Verify that Command Center and the database is no longer in the list
$ sudo systemctl start docker
sudo docker ps
* Remove the image to download and install again
Enable the Docker service to start automatically on system boot by running the following command:
$ sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo docker image ls
sudo docker image rm --force <command center image ID>
* Start the install again
====Verify that Docker Engine is installed correctly ====
Run the hello-world image.
$ sudo docker run hello-world
sudo ./InstallCommandCenter.sh
This command will run a test container and display a message indicating that the installation is working properly.
Note: Docker image version is not the Command Center version, check latest docker image version at https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/lingoport/command-center_dev/general
== Credentials ==
You should see at least an MySQL and a Command Center container running.
When deploying Command Center, the configuration determines if the user management is done by Command Center itself, via an LDAP, or via SSO (using SAML).
=== Command Center User Database ===
== Note: Database backup ==
To backup the database, run the following script:
chmod +x *.sh
One administration user is configured. Contact support (at) lingoport (dot) com in order to get an administration user and password. That user can then create Command Center users. It is strongly recommended to change the first administration password and keep it safe.
sudo ./BackupCommandCenterDatabase.sh
The database backup sql file will be under '''$home_directory/commandcenter/backup''' folder, named '''commandcenter_backup_$current_date.sql'''
=== LDAP ===
Right after installation, the backup is not necessary. However, as you configure and on-board projects, you may want to set up a backup strategy.
* LDAP Connection
To backup the database periodically, schedule to run BackupCommandCenterDatabase.sh on a regular basis, for instance with a Cron service.
* Management
=== SSO ===
== Verify Installation ==
Log in to the URL based on the command-center-config.sh settings, so something like:
* SSO Connection
* Management
= New Command Center Installation =
You should now be able to install the licenses and create projects.
==Create the database conf file==
If you are using a CentOS system:
The Command Center will initially have one Administrator user '''CCAdmin''' with the password '''please.reset.me'''.
Uses the ''centos'' user, with ''sudo'' privileges, as default user for docker
If the installation is unsuccessful for any reason, do not try to re-install. Instead, uninstall, make any needed changes, and re-install to avoid conflicts.
* /home/centos/mysql/conf.d/mysql.cnf
sudo ./UninstallCommandCenter.sh
default-character-set = utf8mb4
default-character-set = utf8mb4
= Command Center Update =
If you are using a RedHat system:
== Get latest scripts ==
* /home/ec2-user/mysql/conf.d/mysql.cnf
Make sure to make a copy of the '''install.conf''' file used previously in case it's overwritten by the git pull / git clone below.
Make sure to update the installation and update scripts and the install.conf file from the main branch of this public repository:
* https://github.com/Lingoport/CommandCenterConfig
default-character-set = utf8mb4
default-character-set = utf8mb4
Note: You may need to <code>chmod -x</code> the scripts under DockerScripts before git pull.
== Configuration ==
== Backup the database ==
Request the ''CommandCenterInstall.zip'' file from your customer success engineer. The zip file contains four files:
You don't have to backup the current version of the database before proceeding to the update to the new version of the system, because the Update script will backup your current database automatically before updating. If you want to do the backup manually, you can use the BackupCommandCenterDatabase.sh script
chmod +x *.sh
sudo ./BackupCommandCenterDatabase.sh
The database backup sql file will be under $home_directory/commandcenter/backup folder, named commandcenter_backup_$current_date.sql
To backup the database periodically, schedule to run <code>BackupCommandCenterDatabase.sh</code>, for instance with cron services.
Copy the above files under your home directory,''for instance'' /home/centos/commandcenterinstall or /home/ec2-user/commandcenterinstall.
===Set up install.conf ===
=== Note: Restoring the database ===
If later, at some point, the database needs to be restored, the following shows how to do so:
Fill in your home directory, DB password, serverURL and port number, your Docker Hub username and token. The initial version number will be provided for the first installation. For updates, this will be the only parameter to change in the <code>install.conf</code> file.
chmod +x *.sh
sudo ./RestoreCommandCenterDatabase.sh YYYY-MM-DD
# Provide your home directory, lingoport/commandcenter/Lingoport_Data folder will be created
Check your database backup sql file under '''$home_directory/commandcenter/backup''' folder, they are named '''commandcenter_backup_$current_date.s'''ql, for example, if you backup the database on 2023 September 20th, you will see a commandcenter_backup_2023-09-20.sql file, and you can use below command to restore it
# Provide the MYSQL root password you want to create for the MySQL database container
sudo ./RestoreCommandCenterDatabase.sh 2023-09-20
# Provide your Docker Hub username
== Return to the previous version ==
# Provide your Docker Hub account token
1. Stop the current active Command Center container
# The Server URL: '"https://yourserver/command-center"'
You can use "docker ps" to see all active containers, and use "docker stop CONTAINER ID" to stop your current Command Center container
# Provide the Command Center server port
2. Restart your previous Command Center server version
# Command Center version
You can use "docker ps -a" to see all exited containers, and use "docker start CONTAINER ID" to restart your previous version Command Center container
3. Restore the database to match your previous Command Center server version
# Provide the Docker network name you want to create
sudo ./RestoreCommandCenterDatabase.sh YYYY-MM-DD
# The company name on your Localyzer license
# lingoport/command-center_dev or lingoport/command-center
==Run InstallCommandCenter.sh==
chmod +x InstallCommandCenter.sh
sudo ./InstallCommandCenter.sh
To check the running container status
sudo docker ps
If you need to re-run the InstallCommandCenter.sh, make sure to run UninstallCommandCenter.sh first to clean your environment.
Note: Docker image version is not the Command Center version, check latest docker image version at https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/lingoport/command-center_dev/general
You should see at least an MySQL and a Command Center container running.
== Verify Installation ==
Log in to the URL based on the command-center-config.sh settings, so something like:
You should now be able to install the licenses and create projects.
The Command Center will initially have one Administrator user '''CCAdmin''' with the password '''please.reset.me'''.
= Command Center Update =
==Update install.conf ==
==Update install.conf ==
Line 401: Line 345:
See full [[Command_Center_Installation#Configuration | Configuration ]] above.
See full [[Command_Center_Installation#Configuration | Configuration ]] above.
====Run UpdateCommandCenter.sh====
==Run UpdateCommandCenter.sh==
chmod +x UpdateCommandCenter.sh
chmod +x UpdateCommandCenter.sh
sudo ./UpdateCommandCenter.sh
sudo ./UpdateCommandCenter.sh
If you are using SSO version installer, run UpdateSSOCommandCenter.sh instead of UpdateCommandCenter.sh
To check the running container status
To check the running container status
sudo docker ps
sudo docker ps
The database backup sql file is in $home_directory/commandcenter/ folder, named commandcenter_backup_$current_date.sql
= Start and Stop System =
= Start and Stop System =
Line 441: Line 389:
3d9da7a80e0a '''lingoport/command-center''':80 "catalina.sh run" 3 days ago Up 6 hours>8080/tcp, :::8081->8080/tcp pedantic_aryabhata
3d9da7a80e0a '''lingoport/command-center''':80 "catalina.sh run" 3 days ago Up 6 hours>8080/tcp, :::8081->8080/tcp pedantic_aryabhata
683c55907c06 '''mysql''':5.7 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 3 days ago Up 6 hours 3306/tcp, 33060/tcp quizzical_newton
683c55907c06 '''mysql''':8.0 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 3 days ago Up 6 hours 3306/tcp, 33060/tcp quizzical_newton
Check with IT that the DNS for that system is correct.
Check with IT that the DNS for that system is correct.
Line 459: Line 407:
sudo docker exec -it '''3d9da7a80e0a''' bash
sudo docker exec -it '''3d9da7a80e0a''' bash
== How to backup and restore a system ==
If you have a system that you want to install a new version of Command Center, but keep the current configuration, here are the steps to do that.
*'''Backup the Command Center databases'''
sudo ./BackupCommandCenterDatabase.sh
This will create two files <code><home>/commandcenter/backup/commandcenter_backup_YYYY-MM-DD.sql</code> and <code><home>/commandcenter/backup/LRM_backup_YYYY-MM-DD.sql</code> Where YYYY-MM-DD is the current date.
*'''Stop the currently running Command Center container and its associated MySQL container'''
sudo docker ps
sudo docker stop <Command Center Container ID> <MySQL Container ID>
sudo docker ps
*'''Modify the install.conf file for the correct version of Command Center to install'''
*'''Install Command Center'''
sudo ./InstallCommandCenter.sh
If there is an error about the container in use, remove the container that is identified and attempt the install again.
sudo docker rm <container>
sudo ./InstallCommandCenter.sh
*'''Verify that Command Center comes up in the browser. Login with the CCAdmin user. There should be no projects or configuration set up'''
*'''Restore from the database'''
sudo ./RestoreCommandCenterDatabase.sh YYYY-MM-DD
*'''Verify that Command Center is populated with the correct information'''
= Next Steps =
= Next Steps =

Revision as of 19:35, 24 April 2024


Before installing or updating Command Center, please verify this section is complete.



When installing Command Center on premises, the customer IT group is very important to the successful deployment of the Lingoport applications when installing the suite on site. In particular, the IT group that sets up the Linux system must understand the usage model for the system. Lingoport requires a meeting with the parties responsible for setting up and maintaining the host system before installation can properly begin. The hope is that once the system is setup for installation, minimal IT interaction is necessary.

Preparations must be made with the IT team to ensure that all prerequisites are met before installation. For new installations, this is the recommended method to use to verify that all the various actors work together well.


Before installing Command Center, the following needs to be configured:

  • Hardware
  • Linux
  • Docker
  • Firewall
  • Https


Docker Deployment Diagram.png

Hardware & Software Requirements

The following sections describe the hardware and software requirements for Command Center.

Please note that the Globalyzer Server installation is in a different section.

Hardware Requirements

Element Minimum Recommended
CPU 2 4
Memory 16 GB 32 GB
Disk 160 GB 500 GB

The Globalyzer Server may be hosted by Lingoport, reside on another server, or be installed on the same system. Other Linux and Windows machines may have Globalyzer clients installed.

Software requirements

Since this is a Docker installation, most of the containers will be managed by Docker. However, volumes will be mounted on the Linux virtual machine and a database configuration file will reside on the VM: This requires Linux and a Docker installation.

Support Browsers and Versions

The following browsers are supported:

  • Chrome: 117+
  • Edge: 117+
  • Firefox: 71+

Access and Ports / Firewall

Command Center may need to be accessible by Lingoport and customer personnel to configure jobs, check the console if any problem arise, run jobs if necessary. Command Center needs to be accessible by many customer actors, including development teams, management, and QA, Lingoport, Translation Vendors.


Internal to company network
Services Ports Inbound (session) Outbound (session) Notes
SSH (for system config/maintenance) 22 Y N System configuration and maintenance
Command Center 8083 (HTTP) and/or 443 (HTTPS) Y N Default 8083 (configurable at install time) HTTPS requires reverse proxy Ex: Apache and Installation of SSL certificate.
Translation Vendor interactions: FTP/FTPS/SFTP (MemoQ, etc.) 21 (FTP) or 443 (FTPS) or 22 (SFTP - recommended) (FTP/S only) Y FTP/FTPS also require data ports (> 1024). Recommend SFTP if possible.
Translation Vendor interactions: Trados Enterprise, XTM and Memsource 80 (HTTP) optional. 443 (HTTPS) required. (Some cases) Y May need to be external if XTM/Memsource not installed on premise.
SMTP/SMTPS 25 or 465 or 587 N Y Depends on corporate mail setup.
Globalyzer Server (Optional) 80 or 443 N Y Only needed when Globalyzer Server is on premises
Repository Access 22 (SSH) 443 (HTTPS/S3) 3690 (SVN) 7990 (Bitbucket) 7999 (Bitbucket) 8080 (TFS) N Y VCS systems can vary, check with particular port(s) being used (Could be external/internal/both)

External access

Services Ports Inbound Outbound Notes
Lingoport SSH access 22 Y N Optional. Recommended for ease of upgrades and maintenance.
RHEL/CentOS/Ubuntu Packages 80 (Debian) 443 (RHEL) N Y Operating system packages access (Most likely external, but could be managed internally as well)
Globalyzer Server 80 and 443 N Y Access to Globalyzer Server in Lingoport Cloud for rule sets (Unless using on-premises Globalyzer Server)
hub.docker.com 80 and 443 N Y Command Center Image location
Repository Access 22 (SSH) 443 (HTTPS/S3) 3690 (SVN) 7990 (Bitbucket) 7999 (Bitbucket) 8080 (TFS) N Y VCS systems can vary, check with particular port(s) being used (Could be external/internal/both)


HTTPS is recommended but not necessary for the Command Center installation. HTTPS may already be set up or your IT may have a standard on how to set up HTTPS. If that's the case, go the next section.

Otherwise, follow this link for a suggested HTTPS configuration:

Email Sender

Email notifications are sent to a project configured recipients . See Create a new project after this installation. For those notifications to be sent, the following will be configured in the settings.

The following information will then be needed:

  • Host URL (like smpt.gmail.com for instance)
  • Authorization method (SMTP, SMTPS, etc.)
  • Sender email address (localyzer@customerdomain.com for instance)
  • Sender password

Docker Install

Docker is a platform that allows you to easily develop, test, and deploy applications as containers. This section will walk you through the process of installing Docker on a Linux system.

The supported versions of Linux are:

Other versions of Linux may work correctly, but these are the versions and processes that have been verified.


When deploying Command Center, the configuration determines if the user management is done by Command Center itself, via an LDAP, or via SSO (using SAML).

Command Center User Database

One administration user is configured when Command Center is installed. Contact support (at) lingoport (dot) com in order to get an administration user and password. That user can then create Command Center users. It is strongly recommended to change the first administration password and keep it safe.


  • LDAP Connection
  • Management


  • SSO Connection
  • Management

New Command Center Installation

sudo user

A user, such as centos or ec2-user, with sudo privileges is required as the user under which to install Command Center.

  • Note: This should not be the legacy jenkins user.

Create the database conf file

Use the sudo user home for Docker, such as /home/centos for CentOS systems and /home/ec2-user for RedHat virtual systems.

The mysql and conf.d folders may need to be created as well.

vi /home/<user>/mysql/conf.d/mysql.cnf
default-character-set = utf8mb4
default-character-set = utf8mb4


Get the installation and update scripts and the install.conf file from the main branch of this public repository:

You should have files such as:


If you need to install SSO version, the relevant files are:


Copy the above files under your home directory, for instance <user>/commandCenterInstall where <user> may be /home/centos or /home/ec2-user.

Set up install.conf

Unless directed otherwise, change the top part of the install.conf file.

Set up saml_configuration.conf if you are going to use SAML

The initial version number will be provided for the first installation.

For updates, command_center_image_version will be the only parameter to change in the install.conf file.

# Provide the Command Center version
# For *Regular* Updates, this should be the only parameter to change

Make sure to keep a copy of that file in case you overwrite it when updating from the https://github.com/Lingoport/CommandCenterConfig Git repository

# After Install, Updates should not need to change anything below
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

# The Server URL: '"https://yourserver/command-center"'

# Provide the home directory, lingoport/commandcenter/Lingoport_Data
# folder will be created

# Provide the Command Center server port

Run InstallCommandCenter.sh

    chmod +x *.sh
    sudo ./InstallCommandCenter.sh

If you are using sso version installer, run

    chmod +x *.sh
    sudo ./InstallSSOCommandCenter.sh

To check the running container status

   sudo docker ps

Re-install Command Center

If you need to re-run the InstallCommandCenter.shh, make sure to run UninstallCommandCenter.sh first to clean your environment.

  • Uninstall Command Center
  sudo ./UninstallCommandCenter.sh
  • Verify that Command Center and the database is no longer in the list
  sudo docker ps 
  • Remove the image to download and install again
  sudo docker image ls
  sudo docker image rm --force <command center image ID>
  • Start the install again
  sudo ./InstallCommandCenter.sh

Note: Docker image version is not the Command Center version, check latest docker image version at https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/lingoport/command-center_dev/general

You should see at least an MySQL and a Command Center container running.

Note: Database backup

To backup the database, run the following script:

    chmod +x *.sh
    sudo ./BackupCommandCenterDatabase.sh

The database backup sql file will be under $home_directory/commandcenter/backup folder, named commandcenter_backup_$current_date.sql

Right after installation, the backup is not necessary. However, as you configure and on-board projects, you may want to set up a backup strategy. To backup the database periodically, schedule to run BackupCommandCenterDatabase.sh on a regular basis, for instance with a Cron service.

Verify Installation

Log in to the URL based on the command-center-config.sh settings, so something like:


You should now be able to install the licenses and create projects.

The Command Center will initially have one Administrator user CCAdmin with the password please.reset.me.

If the installation is unsuccessful for any reason, do not try to re-install. Instead, uninstall, make any needed changes, and re-install to avoid conflicts.

sudo ./UninstallCommandCenter.sh

Command Center Update

Get latest scripts

Make sure to make a copy of the install.conf file used previously in case it's overwritten by the git pull / git clone below.

Make sure to update the installation and update scripts and the install.conf file from the main branch of this public repository:

Note: You may need to chmod -x the scripts under DockerScripts before git pull.

Backup the database

You don't have to backup the current version of the database before proceeding to the update to the new version of the system, because the Update script will backup your current database automatically before updating. If you want to do the backup manually, you can use the BackupCommandCenterDatabase.sh script

    chmod +x *.sh
    sudo ./BackupCommandCenterDatabase.sh

The database backup sql file will be under $home_directory/commandcenter/backup folder, named commandcenter_backup_$current_date.sql

To backup the database periodically, schedule to run BackupCommandCenterDatabase.sh, for instance with cron services.

Note: Restoring the database

If later, at some point, the database needs to be restored, the following shows how to do so:

    chmod +x *.sh
    sudo ./RestoreCommandCenterDatabase.sh YYYY-MM-DD

Check your database backup sql file under $home_directory/commandcenter/backup folder, they are named commandcenter_backup_$current_date.sql, for example, if you backup the database on 2023 September 20th, you will see a commandcenter_backup_2023-09-20.sql file, and you can use below command to restore it

    sudo ./RestoreCommandCenterDatabase.sh 2023-09-20

Return to the previous version

1. Stop the current active Command Center container

You can use "docker ps" to see all active containers, and use "docker stop CONTAINER ID" to stop your current Command Center container

2. Restart your previous Command Center server version

You can use "docker ps -a" to see all exited containers, and use "docker start CONTAINER ID" to restart your previous version Command Center container

3. Restore the database to match your previous Command Center server version

    sudo ./RestoreCommandCenterDatabase.sh YYYY-MM-DD

Update install.conf

Change the version number in the install.conf to get the Command Center image update version.

 command_center_image_version=<new version number>

See full Configuration above.

Run UpdateCommandCenter.sh

    chmod +x UpdateCommandCenter.sh
    sudo ./UpdateCommandCenter.sh

If you are using SSO version installer, run UpdateSSOCommandCenter.sh instead of UpdateCommandCenter.sh

To check the running container status

   sudo docker ps

The database backup sql file is in $home_directory/commandcenter/ folder, named commandcenter_backup_$current_date.sql

Start and Stop System

  • From Command Center, as an administrator, go to settings and click 'Restart'
  • From the VM, use docker commands to stop or start Command Center. For example:
   sudo docker ps
   sudo docker stop <hash>
   sudo docker ps
   sudo docker container ls -a | grep command
   sudo docker start <hash>
   sudo docker ps


 sudo ./UninstallCommandCenter.sh
 Uninstalling the Command Center Servers ...
 sudo docker ps

FAQ and Troubleshooting

Make sure the Server URL is reachable

Navigate to the server URL set up in install.conf: is the login screen available?

If it is not, first check that the docker container is up and running. Make sure both lingoport/command-center and mysql are running.

 sudo docker container ls -a 
 CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED      STATUS       PORTS                                       NAMES
 3d9da7a80e0a   lingoport/command-center:80   "catalina.sh run"        3 days ago   Up 6 hours>8080/tcp, :::8081->8080/tcp   pedantic_aryabhata
 683c55907c06   mysql:8.0                     "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 days ago   Up 6 hours   3306/tcp, 33060/tcp                         quizzical_newton

Check with IT that the DNS for that system is correct.

Check with IT that the firewall allows for reaching the URL from your system.

Ask IT to check the https and the server URL / DNS.

To check files on disk

To troubleshoot, it may be necessary to check files handled by Docker, such as looking for reports under Lingoport_Data. In that case, first use the Docker PS command to get the container ID of the Command Center application.

 sudo docker container ls -a 
 CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED      STATUS       PORTS                                       NAMES
 3d9da7a80e0a   lingoport/command-center:80   "catalina.sh run"        3 days ago   Up 6 hours>8080/tcp, :::8081->8080/tcp   pedantic_aryabhata

With the container ID, execute the following command to run bash with access to those files:

 sudo docker exec -it 3d9da7a80e0a bash

How to backup and restore a system

If you have a system that you want to install a new version of Command Center, but keep the current configuration, here are the steps to do that.

  • Backup the Command Center databases
  sudo ./BackupCommandCenterDatabase.sh 

This will create two files <home>/commandcenter/backup/commandcenter_backup_YYYY-MM-DD.sql and <home>/commandcenter/backup/LRM_backup_YYYY-MM-DD.sql Where YYYY-MM-DD is the current date.

  • Stop the currently running Command Center container and its associated MySQL container
  sudo docker ps
  sudo docker stop <Command Center Container ID> <MySQL Container ID>
  sudo docker ps
  • Modify the install.conf file for the correct version of Command Center to install
  • Install Command Center
  sudo ./InstallCommandCenter.sh

If there is an error about the container in use, remove the container that is identified and attempt the install again.

  sudo docker rm <container>
  sudo ./InstallCommandCenter.sh
  • Verify that Command Center comes up in the browser. Login with the CCAdmin user. There should be no projects or configuration set up
  • Restore from the database
  sudo ./RestoreCommandCenterDatabase.sh YYYY-MM-DD
  • Verify that Command Center is populated with the correct information

Next Steps

Command Center is now ready to be used. Proceed to the URL configured in the installation and follow the User's Guide's steps.