Advanced Localyzer Features
How do I call a Jenkins job remotely?
One possible way to call a Jenkins job remotely is to use cURL. For instance,
curl "<JENKINS_URL>/view/Infrastructure/job/LRMCriticalErrors/buildWithParameters?token=LGCRITICAL&SRC_PROJECT=Acme.Weather&BRANCH_NAME=test"
will invoke the 'LRMCriticalErrors', a job that checks for critical errors on resource files handled by an LRM project, here 'Acme.Weather', for a given branch, here 'test'.
If you want to get the console output, use the following command after the previous one:
curl -X POST "<JENKINS_URL>/view/Infrastructure/job/LRMCriticalErrors/lastBuild/consoleText"
To be called remotely, a Jenkins job must be configured with a token for the 'Build Trigger Remotely' build trigger, like LGCRITICAL for LRMCriticalErrors.