Machine Translation and Translation Management System
Machine Translation
View MT Connections
[Administrator, Manager, Developer, Translator]
All users can view the Machine Translation Connections, but only the administrator can create and modify them. They can only be modified when the system is in maintenance mode.
Create and Configure MT Connections
The administrator user can select the (Create new MT connection) button on the Manage MT Connections page to add new connections. To create a machine translator, the first step is to determine which translator will be connected to. Then provide the system with the appropriate information for that translator.
Edit MT Connections
Connections can only be edited when the system is in Maintenance Mode which will be indicated at the top of the screen. The administrator user can hover over the credential to change and the Edit button will appear. If the system is not in maintenance mode, the lock icon will appear.
Delete MT Connections
When in maintenance mode, select the connections from the list to be deleted and the delete icon will appear at the top of the screen. Select the icon.
Assign MT Connections
The MT connection is assigned to a project when created or modified.
Translation Management Systems
View TMS Connections
[Administrator, Manager, Developer, Translator]
Create and Configure TMS Connections
Search and Sort Connections
[Administrator, Manager, Developer, Translator]
The machine translation can sort by ascending or descenting for connection name, type or number of projects.