Step by Step Project Creation
Table of Contents
Step 1:Data Source Credential for the project
Creating a Globalyzer Project - Step 4: Globayzer Lite Definition File
Creating a Localyzer Project - Step 5: Which MT or TMS will Localyzer use
Step 6: What are the locales Localyzer is acting on?
Step 8: Set up optional include or exclude patterns
Step 9: Optional Advanced Localyzer Settings
Step 10: Grant Users and Teams Access
Only users that with Manager or Administrator roles can create projects. Other users can view created projects if they have been granted access.
Before creating a new project, there are a few items that are needed.
- The licensing needs to be valid for Globalyzer and/or Localyzer depending on the type of projects to be created.
- The System Email Sender needs to be set up.
- The Data Source that the project will be using, such as GitHub, Subversion or Azure. Command Center will not allow projects to be created if there are no Data Sources available. A Manager creating the project must have access to the data source credential. Additionally, the specific branch being used in the repository is needed.
- For Globalyzer projects, the Project Definition File must be available in the repository or on the Command Center System.
- For Localyzer projects:
- the Translation Management System or Machine Translation engine must be defined
- The locales to be translated to
- The resource file types such as .properties or .json and the naming format for the source files.
- Include and Exclude folders for locating the resource files.
- Any other configuration such as custom scripts that should be in the Command Center System.
This example uses a GitHub repository for the data source. If using a different data source, refer to the sections that describe how to configure and create projects using those data sources.